Sunday, December 4, 2016

#Dowsing Rods

By Sarah Saxon

Dowsing rods have been used for many centuries both by psychics and by people seeking to find water sources underground. Most people are aware of the use of a hazel rod used by water diviners but today it is more usual to use a pair of brass divining rods which have a 45 degree angled end to each rod.

The use of dowsing rods by psychics is extremely interesting as is dowsing by other means. Rods are used as just one means of dowsing and the use of a pendulum is another means. Today people can purchase dowsing rods that have been specially made. These are usually made in brass and look like a pair of rods about 50 cm in length with the last 10 cm bent at a right angle to the main shaft. When I was about 5 years old, I used my first dowsing rod. This was made with a Y angled hazel stick. There were people dowsing on the property for water and of course as a child I was fascinated by it and had to try it out. I found it worked strongly enough to pull the stick right out of my hands. So dowsing really does work. I think the fact I was already psychic and well aware of it probably had something to do with it.

Dowsing in the psychic type of arena can be used for many different useful things and is far from dowsing for water. What you are doing by dowsing is making use of the abilities of the dowsing rods to find things, people or any kind of point on a map that will point to information. Use of rods is also a means of making you more psychic as it opens you up in more ways than you realize. Here you are making use of both arms and holding them both firmly but in a relaxed manner. The relaxation of the arms is important as this enables you to feel the way the rods twitch when you pin point the area you are seeking. I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms but isn't really. If I am seeking a person I make sure the map of the area is laid out on the floor so that I can stand above it to use the rods. I prefer to use a highly detailed map of the area once I have had a hit on a bigger map. This way you can be more accurate as to the exact area to search in. One has to get ones mind into the right state, and concentrate on the exact person you are looking for, for it to work well. I usually ask for a photograph before starting. This gets the actual person in to my orbit. Each person is different and what works for me, might not work for you.

There are many things a psychic can dowse for. Missing People, missing articles, missing money and of course water or oil. While people can be done with a map, things like water or oil need to be done on site in the end.

Sarah Saxon writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry and offers fact based unbiased advice and overviews.

Psychic reading


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