Sunday, December 11, 2016

#Dowsing - Fact or Fiction

By Stanley Roberts

Answering the question of whether something is fact or fiction is very hard. The reason being, there are people who believe and then there are those that feel if mainstream science cannot prove it, it must be false. Speaking of dowsing is no different.

I was raised in the mountains of eastern Tennessee where many superstitions were born over the years. There are many superstitions that I call false that my grandmother swears by. I am sure you have heard of many of them so I'll get on to the dowsing.

When I was a young boy all those years ago many of the people around eastern Tennessee were very poor people. They had to rely on their knowledge and abilities more than on science. One of these people was a dowser. I had a chance to know him rather well since he was a close family friend.

I saw him one day walking around the lawn and close pasture fields of his house with a funny looking stick in his hand. I ran over and asked him what he was doing and he ignored me and walked away. I thought I had done something to make him angry.

I went to his wife to inquire about what hew was doing and to find out how I may have offended him. She proceeded to explain to me that he was looking for a spot for them to make a well. Naturally I was very inquisitive and asked if he would show me how to do it. She proceeded to tell me how he couldn't just tell anyone. It had to be a certain person he told. He could only tell another man and it had to be one of his children or grandchildren. I don't remember which. I do remember that he did find water when he dug his well. I also remember several other wells he "witched". This was the common term in our area for finding waster.

When I was a little older, I was working for a man that could take two wires and hold them in his hand and find the direction of flow for an underground stream or water pipe. I was never as captivated with this method as with the witching of water. This seemed to easy to fake to me. Still, I cannot prove this man wrong.

To these people and to others there is no doubt that "dowsing" or "witching" is a fact. I cannot be 100% sure but I have no reason to doubt what I saw. I do know that not everyone has this ability. It has to be some sort of witchcraft if it is that secretive.

Scientists have done several studies on the process of dowsing with no results proving it is a fact, but not completely disproving either. One of these tests had the dowsers in an upstairs section of a two story barn. Water was run through a pipe on the ground floor and they were asked to pinpoint the location of the water pipe. These tests were completed over a two year period for a total of 843 tests. Of the 43 dowsers competing in this test 37 never found it at 6 averaged better than chance at finding it. Proved or disproved? I haven't a clue.

I can only say that science cannot prove or disprove that of which there is no background. Maybe it must be outdoors as to not interfere with the earth's electromagnetic field. There are several factors one cannot take haphazardly when trying to prove or disprove superstitious acts or findings such as these.

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

#Dowsing Rods

By Sarah Saxon

Dowsing rods have been used for many centuries both by psychics and by people seeking to find water sources underground. Most people are aware of the use of a hazel rod used by water diviners but today it is more usual to use a pair of brass divining rods which have a 45 degree angled end to each rod.

The use of dowsing rods by psychics is extremely interesting as is dowsing by other means. Rods are used as just one means of dowsing and the use of a pendulum is another means. Today people can purchase dowsing rods that have been specially made. These are usually made in brass and look like a pair of rods about 50 cm in length with the last 10 cm bent at a right angle to the main shaft. When I was about 5 years old, I used my first dowsing rod. This was made with a Y angled hazel stick. There were people dowsing on the property for water and of course as a child I was fascinated by it and had to try it out. I found it worked strongly enough to pull the stick right out of my hands. So dowsing really does work. I think the fact I was already psychic and well aware of it probably had something to do with it.

Dowsing in the psychic type of arena can be used for many different useful things and is far from dowsing for water. What you are doing by dowsing is making use of the abilities of the dowsing rods to find things, people or any kind of point on a map that will point to information. Use of rods is also a means of making you more psychic as it opens you up in more ways than you realize. Here you are making use of both arms and holding them both firmly but in a relaxed manner. The relaxation of the arms is important as this enables you to feel the way the rods twitch when you pin point the area you are seeking. I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms but isn't really. If I am seeking a person I make sure the map of the area is laid out on the floor so that I can stand above it to use the rods. I prefer to use a highly detailed map of the area once I have had a hit on a bigger map. This way you can be more accurate as to the exact area to search in. One has to get ones mind into the right state, and concentrate on the exact person you are looking for, for it to work well. I usually ask for a photograph before starting. This gets the actual person in to my orbit. Each person is different and what works for me, might not work for you.

There are many things a psychic can dowse for. Missing People, missing articles, missing money and of course water or oil. While people can be done with a map, things like water or oil need to be done on site in the end.

Sarah Saxon writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry and offers fact based unbiased advice and overviews.

Psychic reading


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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Things To Consider Prior To Drilling #WaterWells

Jenifer Whitmire

A well is a hole that is dug into the ground with the aim of obtaining some kind liquids. The most common reason they are dug is to obtain water. Studies show that up to 95% of the total fresh-water in the world is found from underground stores. Most homes in the United States have a well in their homes to ensure a stable supply. Drilling water wells can be done in many different ways so there are thing one must consider before undertaking the drilling process.

First is to consider the expenses that are likely to be incurred by the different sources of water available. The process of constructing a well is an expensive undertaking that the owner must keep in mind. There are also very dangerous risks that could suddenly occur during the process when care is not taken. Choosing to get direct connections from public connections offered by most government services could be a cheaper option. It however has the limitation of lack of assurance of constant supplies.

Finding out what other wells have been drilled within the area is also essential. The geological departments will always keep records of wells dug within an area and what depth they went below the surface to get the aquifer. These people can also give advice on which locations where aquifers can be easily accessed. Knowing the water-table depth gives an idea of the costs that are likely to be involved.

Involving specialists in the process must also be considered. This is because the process of digging through the surface is very dangerous especially where manual laborers are involved. The walls could easily collapse where the ground is soft or the ground could sink into a big underground reservoir. Specialists are also helpful in dealing with legal documentations that are required in this activity.

Next task is choosing the most suitable location to drill. There are general guidelines that dictate on which site is best. The site should be from any contaminants such as underground septic tanks or fuel tanks that had been buried. A distance of approximately 1.5 meters away from the nearest residential house is also recommended. The place should also be easily accessible to enable regular maintaining services.

With the site established, the correct method of drilling must be determined. This largely depends on the water table level from the ground surface as well as the kind of soil within the area. In areas where the geological specials and maps suggest that the water levels are very deep, manual digging cannot be used. Huge machines that are able to drill the ground are recommended in these places. Similarly when the soil is tough and rocky, heavy metallic machines must be used.

When all goes well and groundwater is accessed, the final step is to construct a support to the surrounding walls. This will make sure that the walls do not collapse into the hole one the process is finished. The wall supports also prevent any entry of contaminants that could easily sip in from the surroundings.

The process of drilling water wells is a cumbersome project that is costly and full of risks. It is however a worthwhile project to pursue because one is assured of regular supplies once the process ends. A lot of consultations with geological specialists in addition to doing adequate preparations toward the risks that may happen.

About the Author
When you want the best well service for Montana drilling, click this link. Ron Askin Drilling is one of the most respected water well drilling contractors in Eastern Montana and more info is available at now.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

#Dowsing-finding Water, Metals and Spiritual Peace


Dowsing, also known as divining or doodlebugging, is seen by many as a simple superstition whereby adherents claim to be able to find water, precious metals, oil and other unseen substances deep within the earth. They do this by tapping into some unknown force that impels a forked branch they are holding to be drawn in a downward direction over these hidden items, thereby exposing its location and minimizing the amount of digging that has to take place.

The practitioners of dowsing are, of course, its strongest adherents. Many believe, for example, that they can find potable water, determine how deep it is, and how fast it flows. Walking over an area suspected to contain an underground stream, the diviner's rod, often a two pronged branch of a willow or hazel tree, is brought down sometimes with astounding force over an underground stream and whose direction of flow can be mapped by the variations in this force as the dowser moves towards or away from its flow.

Besides tree branches, divining L shaped rods can also be used. These will align themselves with the flow of water in a pipe, or cross over each other if it's an object of some sort. Coat hangers, and rods made of plastic and glass have also been used with some success. Some diviners use pendulums from which is suspended a crystal or a piece of metal. The direction the pendulum moves establishes the location.

Others ask the pendulum a question, and the direction the pendulum moves determines whether the answer to the question is a yes or no. First questions determine whether the left right or up down motions mean yes or no, after which other questions can be asked with the pendulum providing the answers. A pad or cloth with the words "yes" or "no" on it, as well as other words drawn within a circle simplify the reading of the pendulum's answers.

The paranormal claims and unalloyed certitude of dowsers has been questioned and tested on many occasions. Some believe that the ideomotor effect is the true explanation for the otherwise inexplicable movements of dowsing rods. This is an involuntary movement caused by a thought process or an idea rather than a sensory stimulation, in which the subconscious knowledge or perception of the dowser is the underlying source of influence.

It appears that under scientific conditions, the success of dowsers to find hidden pipes with running water is no better than chance. The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organization dedicating to uncovering charlatans and protecting individuals from pseudoscientific claims, offers a million dollar prize to "anyone who can demonstrate a paranormal ability under fair conditions that prevent fraud or error." This prize explicitly includes dowsers, and has yet to be claimed.

Notwithstanding, dowsers continue to ply their trade, and have extended it to medical diagnosis and treatment, finding dead bodies and missing persons, and buried objects of all sorts. Dowsers of a more spiritual bent feel it brings them closer to God, and some have compared its emanations to those of the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah. To its most devoted practitioners, it remains a powerful and sustaining vehicle that is nurturing and self-sustaining, and is unlikely to be debunked by skeptics of any sort.

About the Author

Larry Isaacson is Vice President of Haskell New York Inc., a company which sells Discount Office Supplies and Storage Cabinets online at

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Several Methods to Find #WellWater New Mexico


Water is one of the most important resources of planet earth that has innumerable uses in our daily lives. The groundwater is an important source for farmers, house owners, builders and people from different walks of life for different purpose. People seek different methods to find the aquifers and some are discussed below.

Various other methods to find water

Drilling test wells: It has been a common method to find well water in California and followed by several people. Here, a test well is drilled to determine the geological information on the area that didn't exist previously. The information includes geologic formations, water quality and others. This well can also be pump-tested to find out the aquifer characteristics.

Water witching or Dowsing: It is an old method followed by some people to retrieve minerals, elements or water. It is also framed as "Pseudoscience" in some terms, as it does not involve any scientific principles or apparatus. It is purely based on assumptions and even researches have been done over this topic only to find that it is just a random chance. However, a bunch of people even today practice this sort of thing to fool people.

Electro-seismic survey: It is another method to find well water in Arizona with the help of latest generation computer equipments. There are survey companies that conduct electro-seismic survey and prepare reports indicating water location and other details prior to drilling. It incorporates use of scientific principles and methods to establish substantial results.

Functions of Electro-seismic surveys

The groundwater present in the porous rock mediums can generate electro-seismic signals that help to find the location of a well. This method does not directly find out groundwater flow, but it can measure the hydraulic activities in the solids and sediments.

Wave propagation: First of all, the groundwater surveyors propagate a seismic wave in the ground with the help of certain equipments. The resistivity of earth materials is modulated through the waves and water present in the aquifers make slight movements generating signals. It is the first step to find well water in Arizona.

Record signals: The generated signals are recorded in the highly sensitive computer equipment. The signals are the data that are to be processed further. The processed data derive potential information.

Information report: Information is further analyzed by incorporating geological information about the area. The geophysicists conduct scientific analysis on them to find out the exact location to find well water Utah.

Other details: The report comprises of various details such water well location, yielding estimates of water and the depth up to which well must be drilled.

It is an effective method than others due to its accuracy and reliability. This method is inexpensive as compared to blind digging of holes to find well water New Mexico and disturb the environment. Irrelevant and unwanted troubles can be avoided by calling upon the groundwater surveyors for conducting surveys way ahead of drilling. Also, it saves an ample amount of valuable time.

About the Author

Steven Paul is a noted geophysicist working for a find well water california company. He prefers electro-seismic surveys to find well water utah a well. He uses latest generation technologies to find well water arizona. Surveys to find well water new mexico for drilling saves valuable time and money.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Several Methods to Find #WellWater New Mexico


Water is one of the most important resources of planet earth that has innumerable uses in our daily lives. The groundwater is an important source for farmers, house owners, builders and people from different walks of life for different purpose. People seek different methods to find the aquifers and some are discussed below.

Various other methods to find water

Drilling test wells: It has been a common method to find well water in California and followed by several people. Here, a test well is drilled to determine the geological information on the area that didn't exist previously. The information includes geologic formations, water quality and others. This well can also be pump-tested to find out the aquifer characteristics.

Water witching or Dowsing: It is an old method followed by some people to retrieve minerals, elements or water. It is also framed as "Pseudoscience" in some terms, as it does not involve any scientific principles or apparatus. It is purely based on assumptions and even researches have been done over this topic only to find that it is just a random chance. However, a bunch of people even today practice this sort of thing to fool people.

Electro-seismic survey: It is another method to find well water in Arizona with the help of latest generation computer equipments. There are survey companies that conduct electro-seismic survey and prepare reports indicating water location and other details prior to drilling. It incorporates use of scientific principles and methods to establish substantial results.

Functions of Electro-seismic surveys

The groundwater present in the porous rock mediums can generate electro-seismic signals that help to find the location of a well. This method does not directly find out groundwater flow, but it can measure the hydraulic activities in the solids and sediments.

Wave propagation: First of all, the groundwater surveyors propagate a seismic wave in the ground with the help of certain equipments. The resistivity of earth materials is modulated through the waves and water present in the aquifers make slight movements generating signals. It is the first step to find well water in Arizona.

Record signals: The generated signals are recorded in the highly sensitive computer equipment. The signals are the data that are to be processed further. The processed data derive potential information.

Information report: Information is further analyzed by incorporating geological information about the area. The geophysicists conduct scientific analysis on them to find out the exact location to find well water Utah.

Other details: The report comprises of various details such water well location, yielding estimates of water and the depth up to which well must be drilled.

It is an effective method than others due to its accuracy and reliability. This method is inexpensive as compared to blind digging of holes to find well water New Mexico and disturb the environment. Irrelevant and unwanted troubles can be avoided by calling upon the groundwater surveyors for conducting surveys way ahead of drilling. Also, it saves an ample amount of valuable time.

About the Author
Steven Paul is a noted geophysicist working for a find well water california company. He prefers electro-seismic surveys to find well water utah a well. He uses latest generation technologies to find well water arizona. Surveys to find well water new mexico for drilling saves valuable time and money.
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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Ark Of The Covenant Mystery Solved By Investigative #Dowsing

By Jerry Nokes

The ability to dowse is a God given gift. It is generally accepted that we were endowed with the dowsing ability to insure man's survival. Simply giving us the ability to find water was enough to justify affording man this important tool.

Because dowsing has unlimited uses, and there are two basic forms of dowsing, it is well suited to answer questions like what happened to the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Stone Tablets it contained, and resolve other Biblical and Archeological mysteries.

One form of dowsing allows us to ask any question that can be answered with a yes, no, or a true or false answer. Because so much has been written by scholars about such subjects as the Ark of the Covenant, a skilled dowser only needs to pose questions around each theory or supposition that has been put forth to determine if any factual truths emerge. Once a truth is uncovered within the theories and suppositions of scholars, the questions can be bracketed down to hone in on important smaller details. With enough clues, and by formulating the proper questions, a dowser can paint an accurate picture of what transpired in any time frame.

Another form of dowsing is known as map dowsing. Map dowsing can be used to find any material object as long as enough information is available to initiate a search for the location of the object on a map. It is often used to locate water, oil and gas deposits, missing persons, lost buried or hidden treasures, prehistoric river beds and shore lines, earthquake faults, sunken treasure ships, and lost items, just to name a few.

Where is the Ark of The Covenant?

Dowsing Research Results:

The original Ark of the Covenant no longer exists. During the Babylonian invasion in 586 BC, while Jerusalem was plundered, the Ark was found by the invading soldiers, stripped of its gold, and discarded along with the Holy Stone Tablets it contained.

After five years passed, the Babylonian hierarchy, apparently concerned about the destruction of the original Ark, commissioned a replica of the Ark to be made. It is this replica of the Ark of the Covenant that eventually found its way to the Church of Saint Mary of Zion in Axum, Ethiopia.

What Happened to The Holy Stone Tablets in The Ark of the Covenant?

Dowsing Research Results:

Four days after the desecration of the Ark took place, the tablets were recovered from the ruins of the temple, and were taken on a journey across the desert. Unfortunately, they never reached their destination. They are buried under eighteen feet of windblown sand one hundred and twenty miles South East of Jerusalem. Indications are that the individual transporting the tablets, and his camel, perished from lack of water, or befell some other misfortune. In any case, the tablets could possibly be found and recovered using a modern, sophisticated ground-penetrating radar system. In order to determine who actually recovered and saved the tablets from destruction, a dowser would only need to have a list of potential names to dowse from.

In Conclusion:

I don't know what caused me to deviate from my normal dowsing activities to invest time in this project, as I have never had any curiosity or interest in subjects of this nature. I can only attribute my involvement to unsolicited Divine Inspiration.

"ABOUT THE AUTHOR": Jerry Nokes with over thirty-five years of dowsing experience, through constant practice and a dedication to perfection, is responsible for discovering previously unknown innovations relating to the science of map dowsing.

His website, is dedicated to sharing his discoveries with map dowsers all around the world for the purpose of benefiting humanity in ways never before possible.

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Science Can't Explain Everything!

By Judy Williams

You will know that if you have spent at least some time reflecting on the world around you, some things cannot be explained in purely scientific terms. Armies of scientists and researchers swarm in labs around the world trying to take the mystery out of every bit of wonder we witness.

What is it that attracts us to a future partner? Scientists will say...tiny, odour sensors in our noses!

What causes shimmering lights in the night sky? Scientists say...sun spots affecting the earth's electromagnetic field.

It is true (I guess) that those things come about due to some sort of cause and effect from physical laws we have devised.

But it takes so much of the magic and mystery out of our lives.

Maybe it's a sunspot...but can I see a sunspot and predict the result? No I can't...All I can see is the mystery and beauty of the results. Can't I just spend some time enjoying the wonder of it?

If I managed to see my future partner across a crowded room and feel an instant 'twinge' does it make it any less magic? Is it worth reflecting on how, despite being born at opposite ends of the earth, we found ourselves in the same place and time at a random event that saw two worlds collide? I think it is. Because no event is a result of just one other event. It is always a combination of physical law and mysterious circumstance.

So is it so surprising that we can divine mysterious things in our gardens?

Take the case of companion planting, particularly in a vegetable garden. Companion planting is when the health and yields of particular plants can be improved by planting specific other plants near them. For instance, peas love being near beans, corn, carrots and cucumbers, but really hate being near onions. Potatoes enjoy the company of beans, peas and cabbage but are unhappy near tomatoes.

Any number of botanists will tell you that there are 'reasons' for this. Some attract the sort of bugs another needs, some have a scent that disturbs the progress of others. But wait a second...doesn't this sound just a little bit like personality?

Is it not possible that some plants just generally get along better with others because... what? They get what they need from them? They enjoy their company? Sound like another species you might be familiar with??

Companion planting is not considered 'scientific' because the results are not consistent and not always provable. Companion guidelines are based on observation and anecdote. Some combinations work better in the northern hemisphere than the southern hemisphere (True! Well, at least, anecdotally it's true). Some plants react contrary to expectations. But could that be due to something else??

The difference between male, female and neutral plants can be startling. You will know yourself that sometimes, two plants started at the same time or from the same magnificent parent plant will turn out completely differently. So now, not only do we have to contend with personality, we have to contend with the sex of a plant.

I know what you're thinking. Well, I think I know what you're do you tell the sex of a plant? It's very unscientific, but so far, pretty reliable in its results. Hold a pendulum over the plant. This can be a needle on a thread, a seashell on fishing tackle, a necklace, whatever. The pendulum will move of it's own accord to indicate the sex of the plant.

Try it. The really healthy plants will be female (positive). They will make the pendulum move in a clockwise circle over the top of it. The male (negative) plant will make the pendulum move from side to side. If the pendulum doesn't move at all, the plant is neutral or the soil is lifeless. Forget it. Nothing is going to come out of that.

It's called dowsing and is the same method that has people finding water using a Y shaped pointed stick. Scientific? Nope. Does that mean it doesn't work? Not at all.

So here we are with two startling propositions. That your vegetable plants have both a sex and a personality that will determine at least in part, how they turn out despite your input. Geez, that's starting to sound a lot like my kids! (who will turn out very different from me, despite the magnificent parenting stock!!)

What does it mean for you as a gardener? The same thing it means for you as a parent.

Nurture your plants. Give them everything you think they will need to succeed.

Read advice books as required, but understand that observation will be your best guide.

Do not despair. Do not give up. It's about the journey, not the destination.

Understand that not all things can be understood. Sometimes, it's just the wonder of nature.
Enjoy yourself.

Judy Williams ( splits her time between being a big time media executive and alternative lifestyle earth mother. This accurately reflects her split 'Gemini' nature. She refuses to give up on the notion she can have it all.

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Every Treasure Hunter Should Consider Learning to #Dowse!

By Jerry Nokes

The easiest way to find Lost Buried Treasure, or treasure of any kind is to dowse for its location!

It is said that 87% of the world's population possesses the dowsing ability, and all that is necessary to awaken that ability is to try it. It only takes a few minutes to test one's potential and see real results.

Dowsing in one form or another has been around for thousands of years. In fact, it is estimated that most of the water wells in the world today and in the past were located with the help of dowsers.

There are several popular dowsing methods. By far, for the beginner, the pendulum method is the easiest to learn and use, and it is the best for treasure hunting. However, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and once you master using a pendulum, it will be easy to learn how to work with the other dowsing tools.

There are many good books available on the subject, and there is a lot of good free information on the Internet too. Just do a search using the key words: "how to dowse with a pendulum" using the Google and Yahoo search engines. Be sure to check out several of the sites until you find one that teaches dowsing in its simplest form. Skip over the sites that delve into the mystical aspects of dowsing that some people dwell on.

All you need to learn is how to interpret the movements that a pendulum makes when you ask simple questions.

Contrary to what many people think, you don't need a crystal pendulum or anything fancy. It is easy to make a simple pendulum yourself with things you have around your house. You can use a small machine screw nut and a piece of string. To prevent tangling, the best string to use is about a six-inch piece of lightweight fishing line.

You will have to tune your pendulum by matching the weight of the object you use with the most efficient length of string. You can do this by holding the string at different lengths until you find the point where the pendulum reacts the fastest. Once you find the right spot, cut the string and tie a knot at the end.

Many treasure-hunting enthusiasts think that dowsing to locate a buried treasure is ridiculous or impossible. I can assure you it is not. I have located many buried treasures using the map dowsing technique.

I have a client in the Philippines who asked me to locate gold bars buried by the Japanese during WWII. Although thousands of metric tons were recovered by Marcos and others, there are still many caches that were buried by Japanese soldiers who absconded with all they could carry when the war ended.

To date I have located several small caches weighing around 100 lbs. each, and two sites consisting of a half ton each! So, if you are a serious treasure hunter, keep an open mind and learn to dowse. You won't regret it!

"ABOUT THE AUTHOR": Jerry Nokes with over thirty years of dowsing experience has pioneered his scientific discovery into a full proof method of locating lost, buried, and sunken treasures. The success he has enjoyed in his own treasure hunting endeavors has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the new technology is not only viable, but also 100% reliable.

His website, offers all dowsers the opportunity to learn the new technology, and greatly expand their newly acquired abilities into unlimited fields of potential interests.

Article Source:!&id=1971096

Sunday, September 4, 2016

#Divination With Sticks - The Many Uses of Sticks in Divination

By Richard Wilkins

People have performed divination with sticks for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. There are Icelandic accounts of casting costing lots with sticks during the time of Erik the Red. Likewise, the Chinese have and ancient tradition. In divination with sticks, runes may or may not be carved upon them. Some schools of thought hold that doing so, however, increases the potency of the forces at work. Another form of divination with sticks is the well known divining rod.

The divining rod, or dowsing rod, is a form of divination with sticks, usually forked, and is commonly used to find underground water sources, although it could be applied in many other ways. This forked branch is usually cut from a hazel tree, and carefully cured by the person who intends to use it. Frequent and sustained contact with the person who will use this device is absolutely required for it to work properly. There psychic energies must be aligned so that the wood is able to sense the presence of water of whatever is being sought with it.

Another way of divination with sticks, it the Chinese Chien Tung, or Chinese Oracle. This is usually a collection of bamboo twigs, or sticks, and have numbers carved into them. By shaking the container until a stick pops free, the reader acquires a single stick which can be interpreted by a reader into its relevance to the question. Some versions contain sixty bamboo sticks, while others contain seventy-eight. Most Chien Tung sets are beautifully artistic, and each set is accompanied by a chart or booklet of prophetic fortunes to match the numbered sticks. Experienced readers quickly align themselves with the powers unleashed in Chien Tung, and are thereby better able to interpret the reading.

In cases of divination with sticks where runes are carved onto the items, each rune is consulted on a chart, and the reading is provided to the querent. Great care must be taken with runes. Psychic energies have been infused into these marks, and they are sensitive to outside interference when being used. Make your casting in a quiet environment where you and the querent are able to concentrate without interruption.

Richard Wilkins, co-owner and psychic trainer at the Psychic Academy is a leading researcher in developing psychic powers [] and how to learn tarot for beginners []. To learn more about his research and new psychic training opportunities, visit his website today.

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Ancient Art of #Dowsing

By Marlene Affeld

Is it possible that certain people can discover water, minerals or oil hundreds of feet beneath the surface of the Earth simply by using their mind? Since biblical times, dowsers have claimed they can find water, buried treasure or hidden objects by using only their senses and a twig.

For centuries, rational people have been practicing and believing in something with no rational basis. I wonder why? I am intrigued by its applications in my quest for gold. Is divination a gift of paranormal power or a developed skill? What do you think?

Practiced around the world, the age old skill of dowsing, also known as water-witching, doodle-bugging or divining, is a practice that attempts to locate buried or hidden minerals, metals, gemstones or water by sensing and interpreting currents of earth radiation without using any scientific equipment.

Established in folklore and cultural traditions, divination has been part of the myths and legends of people from around the globe. As early as 5th Century B.C. Chinese texts describe water witching then much as it is practiced today. As early as 1568 the divining rod was applied in southern Europe in the elusive search for water.

Traditionally dowsers have employed a Y shaped twig or branch, using fresh cut branches from particular trees. In Europe hazel trees were preferred. In the United States dowsers often choose yew, willow, apple or peach branches. Many modern dowsers may use a simple L-shaped rod, with brass or copper being the metals of choice. Some diviners simply use bent wire or wire coat hangers.

Map dowsers often employ another type of divination device, usually suspending a crystal or pendulum, over maps to locate oil, minerals, persons or water. However, when we think of water-witching we picture a field dowser who patiently walks about a given area using a forked stick or rods to locate underground water. Where the branch quivers and points downward, water will be found. Many witchers are able to not only locate underground water, but to estimate its depth, describe the sediment and rock layers above it, and accurately predict the number of gallons per minute that a well will yield.

Typically rod dowsers will hold one rod in each hand, with the shorter part of the L held upright and the longer part pointing straight forward. When the rods are above water, the rods will point downward or cross. Unconscious muscular action by the dowser is thought to move the rod. Amazing! I have seen it done. When the well was drilled the water was sweet and plentiful!

Throughout its long history, dowsing or divining has been steeped in superstition and a complex web of controversy. Some critics call water witching a delusional and deliberate sham based on superstitious pseudoscience; evil and no better than voodoo! Critics claim the results are nothing but random guessing. However, Albert Einstein was convinced that dowsing was authentic. He said, "I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time".

Despite centuries of skepticism, divining or dowsing has been successfully employed to find water, mineral and oil deposits, archaeological relics, buried treasure - even missing persons.

There really is not a proven scientific reason that dowsing works, but results speak for themselves. Dowsers find what they are seeking and they do it over and over again. Numerous theories have been offered to explain why the rods respond and move, indicating water. Subtle geological forces, speculation that dowsers are hypersensitive to subtle electromagnetic gradients, ESP, physic insight or other paranormal explanations are cited, but no one knows for sure. Yet, something is at play here. Something intangible, mysterious, unexplainable and I am fascinated.

Nandu Green is a lifestyle portal, offering high-quality, unique, intriguing and innovative merchandise from around the globe.

Marlene Affeld's passion for the environment and all things natural inspire her to write informative and insightful articles to assist others in living a Green Lifestyle. For more Green Living info visit Nandu Green at

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Divination With Sticks - The Many Uses of Sticks in #Divination

By Richard Wilkins

People have performed divination with sticks for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. There are Icelandic accounts of casting costing lots with sticks during the time of Erik the Red. Likewise, the Chinese have and ancient tradition. In divination with sticks, runes may or may not be carved upon them. Some schools of thought hold that doing so, however, increases the potency of the forces at work. Another form of divination with sticks is the well known divining rod.

The divining rod, or dowsing rod, is a form of divination with sticks, usually forked, and is commonly used to find underground water sources, although it could be applied in many other ways. This forked branch is usually cut from a hazel tree, and carefully cured by the person who intends to use it. Frequent and sustained contact with the person who will use this device is absolutely required for it to work properly. There psychic energies must be aligned so that the wood is able to sense the presence of water of whatever is being sought with it.

Another way of divination with sticks, it the Chinese Chien Tung, or Chinese Oracle. This is usually a collection of bamboo twigs, or sticks, and have numbers carved into them. By shaking the container until a stick pops free, the reader acquires a single stick which can be interpreted by a reader into its relevance to the question. Some versions contain sixty bamboo sticks, while others contain seventy-eight. Most Chien Tung sets are beautifully artistic, and each set is accompanied by a chart or booklet of prophetic fortunes to match the numbered sticks. Experienced readers quickly align themselves with the powers unleashed in Chien Tung, and are thereby better able to interpret the reading.

In cases of divination with sticks where runes are carved onto the items, each rune is consulted on a chart, and the reading is provided to the querent. Great care must be taken with runes. Psychic energies have been infused into these marks, and they are sensitive to outside interference when being used. Make your casting in a quiet environment where you and the querent are able to concentrate without interruption.

Richard Wilkins, co-owner and psychic trainer at the Psychic Academy is a leading researcher in developing psychic powers [] and how to learn tarot for beginners []. To learn more about his research and new psychic training opportunities, visit his website today.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Divination With Sticks - The Many Uses of Sticks in #Divination

By Richard Wilkins

People have performed divination with sticks for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. There are Icelandic accounts of casting costing lots with sticks during the time of Erik the Red. Likewise, the Chinese have and ancient tradition. In divination with sticks, runes may or may not be carved upon them. Some schools of thought hold that doing so, however, increases the potency of the forces at work. Another form of divination with sticks is the well known divining rod.

The divining rod, or dowsing rod, is a form of divination with sticks, usually forked, and is commonly used to find underground water sources, although it could be applied in many other ways. This forked branch is usually cut from a hazel tree, and carefully cured by the person who intends to use it. Frequent and sustained contact with the person who will use this device is absolutely required for it to work properly. There psychic energies must be aligned so that the wood is able to sense the presence of water of whatever is being sought with it.

Another way of divination with sticks, it the Chinese Chien Tung, or Chinese Oracle. This is usually a collection of bamboo twigs, or sticks, and have numbers carved into them. By shaking the container until a stick pops free, the reader acquires a single stick which can be interpreted by a reader into its relevance to the question. Some versions contain sixty bamboo sticks, while others contain seventy-eight. Most Chien Tung sets are beautifully artistic, and each set is accompanied by a chart or booklet of prophetic fortunes to match the numbered sticks. Experienced readers quickly align themselves with the powers unleashed in Chien Tung, and are thereby better able to interpret the reading.

In cases of divination with sticks where runes are carved onto the items, each rune is consulted on a chart, and the reading is provided to the querent. Great care must be taken with runes. Psychic energies have been infused into these marks, and they are sensitive to outside interference when being used. Make your casting in a quiet environment where you and the querent are able to concentrate without interruption.

Richard Wilkins, co-owner and psychic trainer at the Psychic Academy is a leading researcher in developing psychic powers [] and how to learn tarot for beginners []. To learn more about his research and new psychic training opportunities, visit his website today.

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Monday, May 23, 2016

The Ancient Art of #Dowsing

By Marlene Affeld

Is it possible that certain people can discover water, minerals or oil hundreds of feet beneath the surface of the Earth simply by using their mind? Since biblical times, dowsers have claimed they can find water, buried treasure or hidden objects by using only their senses and a twig.

For centuries, rational people have been practicing and believing in something with no rational basis. I wonder why? I am intrigued by its applications in my quest for gold. Is divination a gift of paranormal power or a developed skill? What do you think?

Practiced around the world, the age old skill of dowsing, also known as water-witching, doodle-bugging or divining, is a practice that attempts to locate buried or hidden minerals, metals, gemstones or water by sensing and interpreting currents of earth radiation without using any scientific equipment.

Established in folklore and cultural traditions, divination has been part of the myths and legends of people from around the globe. As early as 5th Century B.C. Chinese texts describe water witching then much as it is practiced today. As early as 1568 the divining rod was applied in southern Europe in the elusive search for water.

Traditionally dowsers have employed a Y shaped twig or branch, using fresh cut branches from particular trees. In Europe hazel trees were preferred. In the United States dowsers often choose yew, willow, apple or peach branches. Many modern dowsers may use a simple L-shaped rod, with brass or copper being the metals of choice. Some diviners simply use bent wire or wire coat hangers.

Map dowsers often employ another type of divination device, usually suspending a crystal or pendulum, over maps to locate oil, minerals, persons or water. However, when we think of water-witching we picture a field dowser who patiently walks about a given area using a forked stick or rods to locate underground water. Where the branch quivers and points downward, water will be found. Many witchers are able to not only locate underground water, but to estimate its depth, describe the sediment and rock layers above it, and accurately predict the number of gallons per minute that a well will yield.

Typically rod dowsers will hold one rod in each hand, with the shorter part of the L held upright and the longer part pointing straight forward. When the rods are above water, the rods will point downward or cross. Unconscious muscular action by the dowser is thought to move the rod. Amazing! I have seen it done. When the well was drilled the water was sweet and plentiful!

Throughout its long history, dowsing or divining has been steeped in superstition and a complex web of controversy. Some critics call water witching a delusional and deliberate sham based on superstitious pseudoscience; evil and no better than voodoo! Critics claim the results are nothing but random guessing. However, Albert Einstein was convinced that dowsing was authentic. He said, "I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time".

Despite centuries of skepticism, divining or dowsing has been successfully employed to find water, mineral and oil deposits, archaeological relics, buried treasure - even missing persons.

There really is not a proven scientific reason that dowsing works, but results speak for themselves. Dowsers find what they are seeking and they do it over and over again. Numerous theories have been offered to explain why the rods respond and move, indicating water. Subtle geological forces, speculation that dowsers are hypersensitive to subtle electromagnetic gradients, ESP, physic insight or other paranormal explanations are cited, but no one knows for sure. Yet, something is at play here. Something intangible, mysterious, unexplainable and I am fascinated.

Nandu Green is a lifestyle portal, offering high-quality, unique, intriguing and innovative merchandise from around the globe.

Marlene Affeld's passion for the environment and all things natural inspire her to write informative and insightful articles to assist others in living a Green Lifestyle. For more Green Living info visit Nandu Green at

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Sunday, May 15, 2016


By Nigel Percyand Maggie Percy

There is one big problem with dowsing. Many people don't believe it works. They talk of fraud and fakery and gullible people. They say there is no science to it. Every result can be explained away logically or scientifically. There is an expectation that dowsing should be completely verifiable and repeatable, over and over again.

If you feel like this, then water dowsing is really going to irritate you. Water dowsing is probably amongst the oldest applications of dowsing known. It is also one of the most community minded applications known. Before the science of hydrology grew up, dowsers or water-witchers helped out by finding water sources for their neighbors. Everyone benefited. The better water dowsers got more business and a bigger reputation. But it's not scientific. No-one ever pretended that is was.

And it worked. And there's the problem with water dowsing; it works but no-one really knows why. In a world which demands explanations, wants answers, these water-witchers, go doddlebugging or dowsing and find water. No, they re not always 100% accurate. Sometimes they get dry holes. Sometimes you could probably dig a hole and find water pretty much anywhere. But those aren't the cases which annoy.

The ones which annoy are the ones where the good, reliable dowser finds the water where no-one else could and, before drilling, announces the depth and flow rate as well as the purity (or otherwise) of the water. I don't care who you are, if you're not a dowser you'll find such instances either irritating or intriguing. If you like intrigue, you'll want to do it yourself. Because that's the other thing about water dowsing; anyone can learn it, but not many actually want to admit that it works. But that's another story.

Nigel Percy, along with his wife, Maggie, has been a metaphysical consultant since 2000 in their business, Sixth Sense Consulting, Inc. Their consultancy is based on the view that the rational and intuitive aspects of the mind need equal consideration. Share their experiences, and benefit from their tips, tools and techniques in their free monthly newsletter; 'Your Sixth Sense: Enriching Your World', available at

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Divination With #Dowsing Rods

By Carolyn Naiman

Dowsing Rods have been used for divination for centuries. Although there is evidence suggesting that dowsing was in use 8,000 years ago, the first historically recorded evidence of the use of dowsing dates back to 16th Century Germany. Dowsing rods were included in ceremonial magic rituals. It was believed that dowsing rods could help locate precious metals and hidden objects. For dowsing practitioners of this time, dowsing was considered to be a form magic that was looked upon as something evil and unnatural.

In recent times, dowsing rods are utilized to locate water, minerals, oil, ancient artifacts, ghosts and psychic energy. No one is certain as to how exactly these rods actually work. One theory suggests the dowsing rods radiate energy that is bounced of specific objects or specific places. In this case, a geomagnetic field causes the rods to move towards an object's energy. Others believe that dowsing rods help an individual tap into the psychic energy or energetic vibrations of objects. This is done by concentrating on a particular object which in turn cause the rods to tune into the object's energy. In either case, dowsing remains a popular psychic tool for many people who wish to explore psychic energy or psychic phenomenon.

There are many different types of rods, however, the two most common are v-shaped branches, usually made from hazel or willow twig, and metal rods. The process of dowsing is relatively simple. The dowser holds the branch or rods in his or her hands and concentrates on the object or place they are seeking. They then begin walking, often being led by their third eye or psychic intuition. When the Dowser reaches a point of interest, the dowsing rods move in conjunction. The closer the Dowser is to the desired object, the more the dowsing rods will move.

There are many skeptics who doubt the validity of dowsing. Unfortunately there is very little scientific evidence that suggests how these rods actually work. However, for those who have had success with this psychic tool, swear by its legitimacy and a few dowsers have demonstrated an uncanny ability to locate subterranean sources of water and other types of mineral deposits. In either case, it is a relatively easy practice and is available to anyone who wishes to explore its efficacy.

For more on psychic reading, please visit our website.

Caroyn Naiman is a professional Tarot Reader and a contributing editor to She has a masters in Psychology and has been a Tarot advisor since 1998.

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Science Can't Explain Everything!

By Judy Williams

You will know that if you have spent at least some time reflecting on the world around you, some things cannot be explained in purely scientific terms. Armies of scientists and researchers swarm in labs around the world trying to take the mystery out of every bit of wonder we witness.

What is it that attracts us to a future partner? Scientists will say...tiny, odour sensors in our noses!

What causes shimmering lights in the night sky? Scientists say...sun spots affecting the earth's electromagnetic field.

It is true (I guess) that those things come about due to some sort of cause and effect from physical laws we have devised.

But it takes so much of the magic and mystery out of our lives.

Maybe it's a sunspot...but can I see a sunspot and predict the result? No I can't...All I can see is the mystery and beauty of the results. Can't I just spend some time enjoying the wonder of it?

If I managed to see my future partner across a crowded room and feel an instant 'twinge' does it make it any less magic? Is it worth reflecting on how, despite being born at opposite ends of the earth, we found ourselves in the same place and time at a random event that saw two worlds collide? I think it is. Because no event is a result of just one other event. It is always a combination of physical law and mysterious circumstance.

So is it so surprising that we can divine mysterious things in our gardens?

Take the case of companion planting, particularly in a vegetable garden. Companion planting is when the health and yields of particular plants can be improved by planting specific other plants near them. For instance, peas love being near beans, corn, carrots and cucumbers, but really hate being near onions. Potatoes enjoy the company of beans, peas and cabbage but are unhappy near tomatoes.

Any number of botanists will tell you that there are 'reasons' for this. Some attract the sort of bugs another needs, some have a scent that disturbs the progress of others. But wait a second...doesn't this sound just a little bit like personality?

Is it not possible that some plants just generally get along better with others because... what? They get what they need from them? They enjoy their company? Sound like another species you might be familiar with??

Companion planting is not considered 'scientific' because the results are not consistent and not always provable. Companion guidelines are based on observation and anecdote. Some combinations work better in the northern hemisphere than the southern hemisphere (True! Well, at least, anecdotally it's true). Some plants react contrary to expectations. But could that be due to something else??

The difference between male, female and neutral plants can be startling. You will know yourself that sometimes, two plants started at the same time or from the same magnificent parent plant will turn out completely differently. So now, not only do we have to contend with personality, we have to contend with the sex of a plant.

I know what you're thinking. Well, I think I know what you're do you tell the sex of a plant? It's very unscientific, but so far, pretty reliable in its results. Hold a pendulum over the plant. This can be a needle on a thread, a seashell on fishing tackle, a necklace, whatever. The pendulum will move of it's own accord to indicate the sex of the plant.

Try it. The really healthy plants will be female (positive). They will make the pendulum move in a clockwise circle over the top of it. The male (negative) plant will make the pendulum move from side to side. If the pendulum doesn't move at all, the plant is neutral or the soil is lifeless. Forget it. Nothing is going to come out of that.

It's called dowsing and is the same method that has people finding water using a Y shaped pointed stick. Scientific? Nope. Does that mean it doesn't work? Not at all.

So here we are with two startling propositions. That your vegetable plants have both a sex and a personality that will determine at least in part, how they turn out despite your input. Geez, that's starting to sound a lot like my kids! (who will turn out very different from me, despite the magnificent parenting stock!!)

What does it mean for you as a gardener? The same thing it means for you as a parent.

Nurture your plants. Give them everything you think they will need to succeed.

Read advice books as required, but understand that observation will be your best guide.

Do not despair. Do not give up. It's about the journey, not the destination.

Understand that not all things can be understood. Sometimes, it's just the wonder of nature.
Enjoy yourself.

Judy Williams ( splits her time between being a big time media executive and alternative lifestyle earth mother. This accurately reflects her split 'Gemini' nature. She refuses to give up on the notion she can have it all.

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Unlock Your Intuition - The Power of the Pendulum

Unlock Your Intuition - The Power of the Pendulum
By Bente Hewitt

Using a pendulum is a form of 'kinesiology.' As with muscle testing, your own 'body spirit' or 'body angel' who is in charge of moving the subtle energy around your body, responds to your thoughts and words using that energy to move the pendulum and answer your questions.

Historically, dowsing (the use of a pendulum for answers) has been known for its ability to locate water, gold, oil and other minerals, but it has also been used in many instances involving issues of life and death. Many people have used the pendulum to detect allergies and other ailments, and even to accurately determine the gender and birth date of unborn babies (baby gender prediction).

Throughout history, people have turned to the pendulum to guide them when their lives were at stake. In dire circumstances during the Vietnam War, some U.S. marines were taught to use a pendulum to locate underground mines and tunnels.

Some people say that the pendulum creates a bridge between the logical and intuitive parts of the mind. Some say that the pendulum connects them with a higher power and call it "divining" as the information is believed to come from a divine source. Research by many scientists indicates that the pendulum responds to electromagnetic energy that radiates from everything on Earth. No one knows for sure how the pendulum works, but the important thing is that it does work! As Thomas Edison is said to have replied when asked about electricity: "I don't know what it is, but it's there, let's use it."

Another way of looking at it is realizing that a TV antenna can pick up invisible rays and translate them into pictures, so perhaps the inherent electrical current of the brain can also act as a receiver for which the pendulum serves as a transmitter.

But regardless, even if you do not understand how the pendulum works, just as most people don't know the inner workings of a television or telephone, you can still benefit from its use. You do not have to be psychic to use a pendulum; there is nothing magical or mystical despite the fact that friends and family are always amazed at its uncanny accuracy.

The most inexpensive pendulum can be made for less than a penny by tying a small object such as a small nut on the end of a piece of string. Expensive pendulums can be made from the finest of crystals. The crystals are believed to possess certain energies that are compatible with the user's energies to get the best results.

What makes it work? Tiny muscles in your finger tips are connected to the motor centers of the brain and it is these motor centers that are affected by unconscious thoughts. Your unconscious thoughts cause the tiny muscles in your fingers to react and thus move the pendulum. This is called the idiomatic response. The pendulum then becomes a direct link to your unconscious. And the unconscious is where thoughts and memories are stored that your conscious is unaware of. The pendulum is a means of connecting with those hidden truths and memories. You try...

Here's How to Use a Pendulum:

1. Choose A Pendulum: Allow a pendulum to choose you. If you like the way it looks or feels, it is meant for you.

2. Cleanse Your Pendulum: You may cleanse it by holding it under running cold tap water, soaking it in sea salt, or setting a mental intention to free it of 'picked up energies.'

3. Understand the Directional Swings of Your Pendulum: Pendulums swing in vertical straight lines, horizontal straight lines, and in circular movements.

4. Define the Directional Swings of Your Pendulum: Assign each directional swing a "response" by first asking the pendulum to show you what certain responses look like. Prop your elbow on the table, with the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, Ask: What does a NO look like? What does a YES look like? or Say "My name is (your name)." This should give you a YES response. Asking it the wrong name should give you a NO response.

Pendulum Response Examples:

-vertical swing signifies NO -horizontal swing signifies YES -circular movement signifies NEUTRAL

5. Prepare Your Questions: A question should be one that can be answered with a positive, negative or neutral response. Good Example Question: Is this cereal beneficial for my body?

Poor Example Question: Will I have a boy or a girl?

6. Ask Your Questions: Be prepared to ask several questions in order to receive enough information to aid you in your quest for answers. You may need to ask several questions about the same subject in order to get accurate information. For example:

-Is this cereal beneficial for my body? Response: No -Is the oat flour in the cereal beneficial for my body? Response: Yes (oats are ok) -Is the barley in the cereal beneficial for my body? Response: Yes (barley is ok)

Is the corn flour in the cereal beneficial for my body? Response: No (there is your answer. Your body cannot tolerate corn products at this time.) Remember your body can tolerate some foods one day and not the next. Therefore it is important to use your pendulum daily if on a special food program.

7. Between Questions: Make sure to completely stop any pendulum motion between questions to clear any lingering energies that pertain to the previous question.

8. Have fun. Keep an open mind!

For links to additional FREE articles and downloads please visit []

Check out: Bente's proven health and weight loss program through weekly personal coaching.

Bente Hewitt is a long-time student of natural health modalities. She is a nutritional consultant and founder of Intuitive Health, LLC. She is passionate about educating and helping adults and children of all ages with her realistic approach to the wellness process. Through her Optimal Health Program she works to eliminate food allergies and eradicate Candida, promoting natural bacterial balance, proper energy flow and digestion and overall well being. With the proper foods to fit your body type, nutritional supplements, dietary and lifestyle guidance, you too can be on your way to optimal health.

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Gustav Von Pohl - The Man Behind a Radical Idea

By Nigel Percyand Maggie Percy

von Pohl, or, to give him his full title, Freiherr Gustav von Pohl, may not be a name which trips off your tongue. He might not have made any impression on your life so far. Or, perhaps, there's a dimly sounding bell at the back of your mind but you have no real clue what it might be trying to help you remember.

If any of those are true for you, then that's a shame. Because Gustav von Pohl has a very important role to play in ideas about disease, especially cancer.

Now, before you make any assumptions, it should be made clear that von Pohl was not a doctor or, as far as I know, associated with any medical discipline at all. What he discovered, however, has made some doctors re-think everything they've learned about disease and made others turn their backs on the ideas and research which his findings instigated.

Being the cause of two opposing reactions should be reason enough to learn more about him.

His expertise was as a dowser. He was able to find water using a dowsing tool. It is an old practice, much valued in certain parts of the world. He was also able to locate unhealthy places in the environment.

But the most important attribute for us was his questioning nature.

The focus of his interest was the small town of Vilsbiburg in his native Germany. What made this town so interesting to von Pohl was the health of the inhabitants.

This small town in Bavaria only had 3,300 people living there, yet, in the previous ten years there had been 54 deaths from cancer. More sadly, 42 of the houses had a history of seven deaths from cancer. This death rate from cancer was the highest in Bavaria.

It set von Pohl thinking. He had heard about geological faults as being a possible cause of illness and he thought that maybe something like that could explain the deaths.

He sought and gained permission to use his dowsing skills to see if he could locate areas underground which would explain the deaths.

The authorities welcomed the interest but were determined not to prejudice him in any way. After all, they had a very good reason for finding out what was happening.

So it was that, in 1929, from January 13th to the 19th, von Pohl dowsed the whole area of the town. He was accompanied by a police escort who made sure that he didn't speak to anyone and he wasn't allowed to discuss with anyone what he was finding.

He marked his findings, the places he dowsed as being unhealthy, on a map.

On a copy of the map, the town's Medical Officer of Health, a Herr Bernhuber, also marked the sites of the cancer victims.

When the two maps were compared, the beds of all 54 cancer victims were found to be over the areas which von Pohl had marked.

Despite this, it made little news and sparked little interest until the following year when the Berlin Center for Cancer Research published the findings in their journal.

This started a rash of interest in people, particularly medical doctors, trying to disprove the findings. Despite many attempts, no-one was able to disprove von Pohl's conclusion that disease is primarily associated with location.

Nearly 100 years later, research still shows that his basic assumption is true. We can and do become ill because of where we live. And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence that humans are affected in a variety of ways by the environment, no significant medical body has had the courage to invest time and money in this field. It is probably true to think that von Pohl would be dismayed by the lack of follow-through. But his interest and his skills pointed the way to a revolution in medicine which only some few souls are brave enough to follow.

So it is that Freiherr Gustav von Pohl, a man with the interest to follow an idea and to use his skill to explore it, set off a whole new area of medical research. An area which is still largely unexplored and unacknowledged.

Nigel Percy, together with his wife, Maggie, invite you to share their years of knowledge about the energetic environment at their website, []. You can ask questions, talk about your own experiences and subscribe to their free monthly newsletter; 'Your Sixth Sense; Enriching Your World'. Over 100 pages of information about the hidden aspects of the environment are waiting for you to explore them!

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

The #Divine Database by Doni Shultz

By Ben Sanderson

With The Divine Database, Doni Shultz has opened a door for people to explore the classic process of dowsing as a means of improving and enhancing your current lot in life. In many centuries, past dowsing was employed as a means of divination to discover sources of food, water, shelter, and other means of sustenance. As time wore on, technology replaced dowsing as a process for such discovery. Doni Shultz has not opted to reexamine this classic process and employ it to attain success in life.

In ancient days, a spiritual power was tapped into and this power helped enhance their potential for survival. In many ways, this spiritual power opens the door to attaining a higher level of consciousness. This allows you to ascertain the information you need in order to answer any question in life.

The Divine Database: How to Use Dowsing to Make Wise Choices with Confidence shows displays many of the steps that can be employed to tap into the power of dowsing. Once you have tapped into this power, you will be surprised as how you will be able to deal with the many complex problems and challenges associated with life.

At the most basic level, this process will help restore your mind to a level that is primed for effective function. When you are able to free the mind from various "psychological noise" that can hamper clarity, you will find your mind operates in a much better and easier way.

Once you have achieved such clarity of mind, you have the potential to make it work for you effectively. Those that may have suffered many varied setbacks on their career path will discover that access to The Divine Database may boost their potential to achieve tremendous rewards on the job. There is no longer a reason to feel trapped in a particular job. Doni Shultz has opened pathways that have been closed for centuries. Exploring the theories and techniques put forth in this book/audio series may prove enormously helpful. Actually, the process could prove to be more than helpful. It could prove to be life changing. Certainly, that would be a welcome alternative to whatever position you may currently find yourself.

It is also important to point out that The Divine Database is not just a tome that defines what the process is. Doni Shultz also presents a clear program regarding how to cultivate the process and truly make it work for you. A solid roadmap in this regard is put forth and those willing to follow the roadmap will discover the entire process to be enlightening and rewarding. This is a work that can change your life for the better. All you need to do is put the advice presented in it to practice.

The Divine Database by Doni Shultz truly is a work of inspired brilliance. It presents insight into a process of personal improvement that had previously been lost to history. That alone makes it an intriguing work well worth examining.

Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Divine Database by Doni Shultz

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Indigo Testing

By Dr. Janine Talty, DO

As the Indigo adults begin to identify themselves based on lists of characteristics found on the Internet and in some printed texts, where can they go to get validation for their suppositions? Who can they ask? How can they verify beyond a reasonable doubt if in fact they qualify to fit in this very narrow classification? Most have felt so ostracized by societal norms, how dare they actually consider they might finally fit into a recognized category. And most importantly, where can they go to find others of the same persuasion?

Finding a test to verify my supposition that I was an Indigo person became both my passion and biggest frustration when I came to suspect that I might be one of these people. How could I truly know for certain? In the metaphysical literature many were repeating a statement that was originally made by Drunvalo Melchizedek that people of this persuasion had upgraded DNA that explained their supernatural traits and abilities. He said these new beings had 26 base pairs of the DNA in the "on" position versus the usual 24 of normal people. As a physician I took his statement to heart but need to scientifically verify it before I could repeat it and perhaps find a simple blood test to test for it. I followed this lead all the way to the Human Genome Project that has been researching DNA characteristics since 1990 in an attempt to identify the 20,000 to 25,000 genes in human DNA but also to determine the sequence of the 3 billion base pairs that make it up. If anyone could verify these statements, they certainly seem capable I thought. I spoke to three different geneticists who had no idea what I was referring to. They needed to know which specific gene I was describing. Not having that specific information my only lead crumbled.

It wasn't until I met Dr. Richard Boylan who has been researching what he calls the Star Kids and Star Seeds for nearly 25 years when I found my conformational tests. He developed a 54 question questionnaire along with a technique using dowsing rods that measures the individual's bio-electromagnetic-photic field. Both combined give a high correlation of accuracy. The technology of dowsing for underground water or buried electrical lines is well accepted. Using the dowsing rods to measure the size and distance of the body's bio-electromagnetic-photic field is not so well known, but very accurate with if performed by a skilled dowser. The questionnaire can be found either on his website; under "star kids questionnaire" at, or in my recently published book Indigo Awakening; A Doctor's Memoir Of Forging An Authentic Life In A Turbulent World.

Dowsing can be easily learned by taking either two pieces of metal wire from a coat hanger or copper wire bent at a 90 degree angle, holding them lightly between your bent index finger and thumb pointed at the individual and simply ask the rods to show you a "yes" (they will separate out laterally) or a "no" (they will come together and cross). Concentration with intension is imperative for this exercise. If your grip is too tight they will not be free to move so it is always more accurate to place the portion of the wire you are holding in drinking straws so they move more freely. Once you have become proficient at communicating with your rods, stand at least 30 feet from the person you are attempting to measure and walk slowly toward them all the while asking the rods to show you the outermost margin of the person's electromagnetic field. When the rods separate to the outside is where you begin your counting the distance away from the individual.

According to Dr. Boylan, a "regular USDA human's" electromagnetic field can be measured 18" - 20" off the body. A Star Kid or Star Seed (Indigo; Blue Ray) is three meters (6 feet) and above. The largest field he has ever measured was an Italian young man at 54 feet. In my practice of physically "derailed" Indigo adults, I commonly find 15 to 22 feet.

Janine Talty, D.O., M.P.H.

Janine Talty, D.O., M.P.H. Is board certified in Family Medicine by the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. She specializes in clinical biomechanics, orthopedic medicine, and Osteopathic manipulative medicine. She is the medical director of the Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in Watsonville California and is an assistant clinical professor in the department of Manual Medicine at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing Michigan. Her practice focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal diagnostic dilemmas of the spine and extremities, sports medicine, pain management, prolotherapy, Lyme disease and natural hormone balance for women and men. She attended medical school at Des Moines University and completed her internship and residency in Family Medicine and fellowship in Clinical Biomechanics at Michigan State University.

For information about Indigo Awakening, please visit

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Sunday, March 6, 2016

How To Use #DowsingRods

By Kum Martin

Dowsing is a technique to divinate water under the ground. This technique originated in Germany in the fifteenth century, and is also referred to as water witching. Nowadays, diviners use dowsing rod to discover water as well as minerals, and buried artifacts and treasures. At times this technique is also used to locate missing people.

There is a belief that all objects, living and inanimate, have a field of energy that gives out vibrations of different frequencies. The dowsing rod works as an antenna and helps to get capture these vibrations. Another theory assumes that there is a psychic link between the dowser and the object being sought.

Dowsing is an esoteric science and hence, is subject to a lot of suspicion as well as skepticism. However, those who believe in it will be happy to hear that Albert Einstein was a believer of this technique.

So, how does one use a dowsing rod? Well, it depends on the kind of rod being used. There are primarily 2 kinds of rod a person can use. One is the L-shaped rod, while the other is a Y-shaped rod. Also, the purpose of both rods is different.

L-shaped rod is used to detect a supernatural presence. In places that have frequent paranormal activities, L-shaped rods are used. This rod is made out of metal, namely copper, and there is a reason behind this. A pair of rods is used for detecting a supernatural being or presence and the rods get attracted to the magnetic field or electric charge that the supernatural being tends to emit.

On the other hand, the Y-shaped rod is used to divinate water or minerals. The Y part of the rod is held in both hands, while the long tail of the Y is held outwards. When the tail reaches the water or mineral source under the ground, it begins to vibrate and thereby the dowser knows that there is something underneath all the soil, mud or rocks.

You maybe surprised to learn that alternative medicine makes using of this technique. Dowsing is used to find out which vertebra is displaced or which organ in the body is diseased. Thereafter, a treatment plan is made. It is also used to find out which substances a person is allergic to.

It is believed that teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 years are more sensitive and therefore, they make better dowsers compared to adults. You can practice this technique yourself. Remember, you will have to be patient and persevere in order to get results. But the whole experience will be fun and exciting, especially if your rod gives you results very soon.

Kum Martin is an online leading expert in fortune telling. He also offers top quality articles like:

Dream Symbol Meaning [], Nightmares And Meanings []

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Can't Afford a Great Metal Detector? Just Be One!

By Sally Taylor

Dowsing, also known as divining, is the practice of finding water, minerals, caves, missing items or people, and locating illnesses in the body using tools such as pendulums and maps or two L shaped or forked sticks. One method of dowsing involves holding the sticks in front of you while you walk and noting when the sticks cross or pull toward the ground and another, which has a bit less obvious scientific reasoning, involves holding a pendulum over a map.

Records of knowledge of the art of dowsing go back 8,000 years. The earliest record of dowsing comes from cave paintings dating back 8,000 years found in the Tassali Caves in the Atlas Mountains of North Africa. A large wall painting in one of the caves depicts a man holding a forked stick looking for water while others watch. In Egypt 4,000 year old wall etchings depict Pharaohs dowsing and a 2,500 year old etching in China depicts a ruler dowsing as well. References are made to dowsing in scores of ancient literature including the Bible. By the middle ages German miners relied heavily on dowsing skills to locate their caches. The 31st president of the USA, Herbert Hoover was a mining engineer and a known, as well as a publicly admitted, dowser.

Today while many scoff a the idea of dowsing having any scientific basis, many members of both the British and American Societies of Dowsers are earning impressive amounts of money from major companies for their help in locating minerals, water, underground wires and pipelines, and even missing persons. The United States Government spent 35 million dollars researching and training "remote viewers" over a twenty year period during the Viet Nam era. In Russia and several other countries, dowsing is widely respected and taught as any other vocational skill. The principles by which dowsing works are just beginning to be understood on a scientific level, however.

While scientific minds have not been widely convinced that the art is anything more than superstition or "witchery", increasing understanding of earth energies is building evidence of a scientific basis for forms of the art. Modern scientific instruments have been able to uncover many forms of earth energies that were previously undetectable. For example, some of these subtle earth energies form Curry lines which are a grid of energy lines traversing the planet. These lines can become disturbed at points where other energies create interference. Ley lines are another form of energy pattern which have been found to change shape and form in the areas of water. Animals have been found to react to these energies, and humans do as well, even if only on purely subconscious levels. Recent studies show that these energies react upon people living in areas where earth energies have become polluted by making them physically ill or mentally uneasy. Even rocks and minerals have been found to vibrate at frequencies undetectable to our conscious senses.

While the means by which using a pendulum and a map to find minerals remotely remains a bit esoteric to our present understanding, the means by which using dowsing rods and other such equipment to find minerals has become a matter of learning to detect how one's body reacts to the different elements which are being sought. Many have thought that it is only a rare few which are able to develop this skill, but teachers of dowsing maintain that just about anyone can learn to dowse. It is the same as any other skill or craft and the level of proficiency achieved will vary with a person's natural knack for the skill.

It is interesting that in an age that scientific equipment is becoming so technologically advanced that many are stepping back in time and learning to perfect the art of finding their treasures the way that humans have done since prehistoric times. But isn't it reassuring to know that if you can't afford a great metal detector, you can always learn to be one?

� 2007 Sally Taylor You don't have to be Indiana Jones to find gemstones and fossils or prospect for gold and artifacts. Come on over to and learn how easy it is to turn those dull weekends into a life of adventure.

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

#Dowsing - Empower Yourself With Intuition On-Command

By Michele K Fitzgerald

When people hear the word "dowsing", if they recognize the term at all, they most often think of someone who uses a forked stick or metal rods to find water. However, the applications of dowsing stretch far beyond the use of this skill to find water--and forked sticks are rarely used by 21st century dowsers.

Dowsing is a form of neuromuscular interfacing that can be used to intuitively access information on just about anything. The dowser starts by asking a question, like "Would taking Vitamin B supplements benefit my health at this time?", while at the same time holding a dowsing instrument, such as a pendulum or a pair of copper rods. As soon as the dowser asks the question, the "answer" is delivered via small neuromuscular reflexes in the dowsers body. The dowsing instrument amplifies the dowser's neuromuscular responses so those responses can be detected by the movement of the instrument. The movement provides visual feedback that the dowser uses to interpret the answer based on whatever motion the dowser has programmed as a "Yes" or "No" response.

Today, this ancient craft is called by many different names, so you may have been exposed to dowsing without even realizing it. If you know someone who uses a pendulum--that's dowsing. If your doctor uses muscle testing to determine what food substances you are allergic to--that's dowsing. If you have ever played with a Ouija Board and watched the little plastic device mysteriously spell out answers to your questions--that's dowsing.

Anyone can learn to dowse. Once a reasonable degree of skill has been attained, the dowser possesses the incredible ability to intuitively access a seemingly infinite amount of information on-command.

In this introductory dowsing lesson you will learn how to use a pendulum, a very common and easy to operate dowsing tool, to achieve simple "Yes" and "No" answers to questions that you ask. As a bonus, there is a section at the end of the lesson on how to dowse using just your body, which is often referred to as "applied kinesiology" or "muscle testing".

To prepare for the dowsing process:

1) Be well hydrated and well rested.
2) Minimize distractions and situate yourself in a quiet environment.
3) Relax, calm your breathing, and induce a coherent brainwave state (essential for effective dowsing) by focusing your attention on the area just between your eyebrows on your forehead.

After you are prepared to dowse, take your pendulum and hold the cord or chain between your thumb and index finger. Force the pendulum into a forward swing, 45 degrees to the right, and say out loud, "This is my 'Ready' position" -- meaning you are now ready to seek an answer to a question through the dowsing process. By making this statement you are acknowledging consciously that this is your intention, and at the same time, programming your subconscious mind with this thought.

Next, force the pendulum into a forward swing, straight away from your body, while saying "This is my 'Yes' response." Finally, force the pendulum into a forward swing, 90 degrees to the left and say, "This is my 'No' response."

To see a picture of how to properly hold the pendulum and a simple graph that you can dowse over to more easily monitor your pendulum swings, click here:

You can actually choose any "Ready", "Yes", and "No" responses you want, such as a counterclockwise swing of the tool for "Yes" and the opposite for "No", but the above responses are commonly chosen.

Practice whatever response positions you choose a few times, forcing the pendulum into the appropriate swing angles. Then attempt to achieve the responses without forcing the pendulum. After a few forced demonstrations, your subconscious mind will pick up the pattern and cause your body to produce the neuromuscular signals to create the appropriate response without your conscious attention. To speed up your body's response time, from the point you ask the question to the point the tool actually moves, all you need to do is practice.

Asking Questions

Your subconscious mind is the middleman between your conscious thoughts and the pool of information that you are going to be tapping into to get a response. No one is quite sure where this pool of information is, or how it came to be, but apparently it does exist, because all practiced dowsers can retrieve information from it.

In posing dowsing questions, it is important to realize that the subconscious mind is very literal. Because the subconscious is the aspect of your mind that will be retrieving answers for you, it is crucial that you are very specific in describing the information you are seeking and that you phrase your questions in ways that cannot be misinterpreted.

Example of a Poorly Phrased Question

"Do I need vitamins?"

The answer will always be "Yes". The body needs vitamins and minerals to operate properly.

A Better Question

"Would I benefit from taking vitamin supplements at this time?"

If you get a "Yes" response, you will at least know that the purchase and intake of vitamin supplements will not be a waste of time and money. How much of a benefit you would realize and what form the benefits will take are still unknown, so you would have to ask more questions if you want more specific information. Also, you would have to ask more questions to find out which vitamins (A? B?, E?) and what dosage would be most beneficial.

Another Example of a Poorly Phrased Question

"Is George a good match for me?"

The subconscious mind cannot clearly interpret this question. The word "match" has too many possible meanings. To name a few:

1) An instrument for starting fires
2) A competitive game, as in "tennis match"
3) A complimentary coupling of colors
4) A pairing of a set
5) A person considered with regard to suitability as a partner in marriage

A Better Question

"Considering the following aspects of relationships (list the aspects that are important to you), and using a scale of 1-10 (where 10 is a perfect partner and 1 is totally unsuitable), does George rate an 8 or above in all of these categories?" Or, dowse each category separately to see how George rates in specific areas.

How to Dowse Lists of Information

Now that you can achieve "Yes" and "No" answers with your pendulum, you can utilize this skill to dowse lists of information. Taking the vitamin example noted above, if you want to know which vitamins would be beneficial to your health and well-being at this time, do the following:

1) Get a list of vitamins, like the label from a bottle of multivitamins.

2) Instruct your "dowsing system" (you, your subconscious mind, your body, and the information pool) as follows:

"Considering my optimal health and well-being, please give me a 'Yes' response when I point to a vitamin that my body needs more of at this time."

3) Point at each vitamin on the list using one hand, and while swinging your pendulum with your other hand, make note of the "Yes" responses you receive.

Finger Dowsing

To achieve "Yes" and "No" responses with your body, instead of a pendulum, a very easy method is to use "finger dowsing", which is a form of applied kinesiology or muscle testing. With this method you establish "strong" and "weak" signals as codes for "Yes" and "No". Strength will equal "Yes", and weakness will equal "No". Start by connecting your thumb and index finger to make a circle, as shown in the photograph on the webpage noted earlier in this article.

Using two fingers from your opposite hand, insert them into the circle and try to break the connection of your thumb and index finger by pulling forward with the finger set. Before doing this, instruct your dowsing system to make your thumb and index finger very strong (hard to break apart) if the answer is "Yes" to your question. If the answer is "No", instruct your dowsing system to make your thumb and index finger weak so the circle breaks easily when minimal pressure is applied from your fingers.

Learning how to achieve "Yes" and "No" answers is an entry level dowsing skill. With further training and practice, you can learn how to use dowsing to intuitively access more sophisticated and detailed information, such as linear measurements, percentages, and probabilities. You can learn how to detect and measure energy fields with dowsing, such as electromagnetic fields and the human aura. You can even learn how to use dowsing to focus, direct, and super-charge the power of your thoughts to create desirable outcomes in life. So, get busy and see what you can do with dowsing.

Michele Fitzgerald is the founder of the Senzar Learning Center and the author of Chasing the Shadow of Free Will - An Introduction to Belief Codes. She has lectured nationally and internationally on a wide range of subtle energy and mind-science topics. She currently works as an intuitive coach and seminar leader, teaching intuitive arts and advanced power-of-thought strategies to students from around the world via teleseminars, webcasts, and periodic events in Sedona. For more information about Michele and the many courses she offers, visit

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