Saturday, August 29, 2015

Home #Water Treatment Systems - A Short Guide to Finding the Best Home Water Filter

By Tyler Waterman

Shopping for home water treatment systems? Let me give you a little advice.

Remember that manufacturers of water treatment products are simply in business to make money. You have to ignore the advertising hype and do some critical assessments or you could end up with an ineffective system that doesn't even purify.

Look for the flaws. If you can't find any, you may not be looking hard enough. Take for example, reverse osmosis home water treatment systems.

They've been around for years and the quality has improved greatly. But, the truth of the matter is that most of us do not need reverse osmosis. Companies that sell RO water treatment products will never tell you that you might not need them.

They will only openly tell you about the positive attributes. Remember, you're looking for the negatives. When it comes to RO home water treatment systems, one of the biggest drawbacks has always been waste; wasted water and wasted electricity.

One company has been able to design RO water treatment products that do not require electricity, but they still create wastewater. And, the non-electric devices would not work for people that really need to take this step.

Most of you are either serviced by a private well or a public provider. You definitely need home water treatment systems, but you don't need reverse osmosis, unless you have saltwater and then you need a specially designed system.

Some of the most popular water treatment products, the ones you see advertised on TV and in print, are not actually purifiers. PUR and Brita, for example, are primarily designed to remove chlorine. They will not remove THMs. That's simply illogical!

Whenever you have chlorine, you have THMs. They are byproducts of chlorination. They are always created, whenever chlorine is used.

But, companies get away with it and their popularity continues to grow, because they are cheap and people don't look for the flaws. Home water treatment systems that don't remove THMs are not protecting you from cancer. Isn't that important to you? It is to me.

Those cheap water treatment products don't remove VOCs, either. VOCs are volatile organic compounds. They have names like methane, formaldehyde and perchlorate. Some VOCs are harmless, such as those emitted by trees. Others, like perchlorate cause metabolic disorders in adults and developmental issues in children.

Why would you buy water treatment products that don't remove VOCs or THMs? Maybe, it's because you don't know about them. You can't expect companies that sell home water treatment systems to come right out and say, "Attention! This product does NOT remove VOCs or THMs, and may be hazardous to your health!"

The industry is largely unregulated. Governments have a hard enough time regulating public treatment facilities. In the US, California has often led the way in banning hazardous substances. The best water treatment products are certified by the California Health Department. That's something you can look for.

I would also suggest that you stay away from the department stores when you're shopping for home water treatment systems. They simply don't carry the most effective ones.

To learn more about home water treatment systems visit today!

Tyler Waterman is an avid health enthusiast who enjoys sharing his research to everyone via the Internet. Check out Tyler's website for more information about this important safe water topic.

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