Saturday, August 29, 2015

Home #Water Treatment Systems - A Short Guide to Finding the Best Home Water Filter

By Tyler Waterman

Shopping for home water treatment systems? Let me give you a little advice.

Remember that manufacturers of water treatment products are simply in business to make money. You have to ignore the advertising hype and do some critical assessments or you could end up with an ineffective system that doesn't even purify.

Look for the flaws. If you can't find any, you may not be looking hard enough. Take for example, reverse osmosis home water treatment systems.

They've been around for years and the quality has improved greatly. But, the truth of the matter is that most of us do not need reverse osmosis. Companies that sell RO water treatment products will never tell you that you might not need them.

They will only openly tell you about the positive attributes. Remember, you're looking for the negatives. When it comes to RO home water treatment systems, one of the biggest drawbacks has always been waste; wasted water and wasted electricity.

One company has been able to design RO water treatment products that do not require electricity, but they still create wastewater. And, the non-electric devices would not work for people that really need to take this step.

Most of you are either serviced by a private well or a public provider. You definitely need home water treatment systems, but you don't need reverse osmosis, unless you have saltwater and then you need a specially designed system.

Some of the most popular water treatment products, the ones you see advertised on TV and in print, are not actually purifiers. PUR and Brita, for example, are primarily designed to remove chlorine. They will not remove THMs. That's simply illogical!

Whenever you have chlorine, you have THMs. They are byproducts of chlorination. They are always created, whenever chlorine is used.

But, companies get away with it and their popularity continues to grow, because they are cheap and people don't look for the flaws. Home water treatment systems that don't remove THMs are not protecting you from cancer. Isn't that important to you? It is to me.

Those cheap water treatment products don't remove VOCs, either. VOCs are volatile organic compounds. They have names like methane, formaldehyde and perchlorate. Some VOCs are harmless, such as those emitted by trees. Others, like perchlorate cause metabolic disorders in adults and developmental issues in children.

Why would you buy water treatment products that don't remove VOCs or THMs? Maybe, it's because you don't know about them. You can't expect companies that sell home water treatment systems to come right out and say, "Attention! This product does NOT remove VOCs or THMs, and may be hazardous to your health!"

The industry is largely unregulated. Governments have a hard enough time regulating public treatment facilities. In the US, California has often led the way in banning hazardous substances. The best water treatment products are certified by the California Health Department. That's something you can look for.

I would also suggest that you stay away from the department stores when you're shopping for home water treatment systems. They simply don't carry the most effective ones.

To learn more about home water treatment systems visit today!

Tyler Waterman is an avid health enthusiast who enjoys sharing his research to everyone via the Internet. Check out Tyler's website for more information about this important safe water topic.

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Ancient Art Of #Dowsing

Is it possible that certain people can discover water, minerals or oil hundreds of feet beneath the surface of the Earth simply by using their mind? Since biblical times, dowsers have claimed they can find water, buried treasure or hidden objects by using only their senses and a twig.

For centuries, rational people have been practicing and believing in something with no rational basis. I wonder why? I am intrigued by its applications in my quest for gold. Is divination a gift of paranormal power or a developed skill? What do you think?

Practiced around the world, the age old skill of dowsing, also known as water-witching, doodle-bugging or divining, is a practice that attempts to locate buried or hidden minerals, metals, gemstones or water by sensing and interpreting currents of earth radiation without using any scientific equipment.

Established in folklore and cultural traditions, divination has been part of the myths and legends of people from around the globe. As early as 5th Century B.C. Chinese texts describe water witching then much as it is practiced today. As early as 1568 the divining rod was applied in southern Europe in the elusive search for water.

Traditionally dowsers have employed a Y shaped twig or branch, using fresh cut branches from particular trees. In Europe hazel trees were preferred. In the United States dowsers often choose yew, willow, apple or peach branches. Many modern dowsers may use a simple L-shaped rod, with brass or copper being the metals of choice. Some diviners simply use bent wire or wire coat hangers.

Map dowsers often employ another type of divination device, usually suspending a crystal or pendulum, over maps to locate oil, minerals, persons or water. However, when we think of water-witching we picture a field dowser who patiently walks about a given area using a forked stick or rods to locate underground water. Where the branch quivers and points downward, water will be found. Many witchers are able to not only locate underground water, but to estimate its depth, describe the sediment and rock layers above it, and accurately predict the number of gallons per minute that a well will yield.

Typically rod dowsers will hold one rod in each hand, with the shorter part of the L held upright and the longer part pointing straight forward. When the rods are above water, the rods will point downward or cross. Unconscious muscular action by the dowser is thought to move the rod. Amazing! I have seen it done. When the well was drilled the water was sweet and plentiful!

Throughout its long history, dowsing or divining has been steeped in superstition and a complex web of controversy. Some critics call water witching a delusional and deliberate sham based on superstitious pseudoscience; evil and no better than voodoo! Critics claim the results are nothing but random guessing. However, Albert Einstein was convinced that dowsing was authentic. He said, "I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time".

Despite centuries of skepticism, divining or dowsing has been successfully employed to find water, mineral and oil deposits, archaeological relics, buried treasure - even missing persons.

There really is not a proven scientific reason that dowsing works, but results speak for themselves. Dowsers find what they are seeking and they do it over and over again. Numerous theories have been offered to explain why the rods respond and move, indicating water. Subtle geological forces, speculation that dowsers are hypersensitive to subtle electromagnetic gradients, ESP, physic insight or other paranormal explanations are cited, but no one knows for sure. Yet, something is at play here. Something intangible, mysteriousFeature Articles, unexplainable and I am fascinated.

Source: Free Articles from


Marlene Affeld has a passion for the environment and all things natural. A seasoned traveler, Marlene enjoys sharing her experiences with others. Visit Marlene's site at Nandu Green for Eco-Friendly living options.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

What is #Dowsing?

By Samantha Stevens

Dowsing is definitely an intuitive art and one of the oldest forms of divination in the world. Perhaps the oldest and most familiar image we have a dowser is what is called a field or map dowser. This person walks over a landscape using a Y shaped or forked stick (sometimes called a doodlebug) to locate subterranean sources of water, oil or even precious minerals. The stick vibrates, crosses or shakes when the substance is found. Some dowsers will use two sticks held in one hand, and when the sticks cross, it signifies that a subtle astral or geopathic force has located the natural resource. This kind of dowsing is also used to locate things such as buried treasure, lost persons, missing jewelry and stray golf balls!

However, the kind of dowsing we are concerned with in this article would be for the purposes of divination. To do this you need to purchase or make what is called a "bobber" or a "pendulum". This is simply a pointed object made of metal, crystal or wood that is attached to the end of a string or a rope. Crystals make excellent pendulums. To diagnose disease, use a rose quartz crystal. For general divination, a silver, lapis, wood or hematite pendulum works well. A pendulum can be anything that appeals to you, that is personal, feels like it conducts energy and can be hung from a chain or string. For instance, I have a little silver acorn charm that works perfectly as a pendulum. Some people use keys or talismans or charms such as a crucifix or ankh. Pendulums can be bought commercially online and in New Age or Occult Stores.

There are no strict rules around the practice of dowsing, however there are two methodologies behind the purpose of it.

The first methodology involves using the pendulum to answer a yes or no question. Some practitioners use a chart or a map, usually a square of paper with a circle drawn on it with the words YES or NO written at the four quarter points of the circle.

Sometimes, a direct answer can be written on the four points of the paper as well. For instance if the question is "Who does Bob love?" then you may have different options such as "Me", "His Wife", "His Child" or "Nobody" written on the four quarter points of the circle. The dowser holds the pendulum over the center of the circle concentrates and sees which answer the pendulum naturally sways towards.

There is also another direct method of getting a yes or no answer. Hold the pendulum straight between thumb and forefinger. Ask the question. If it sways to the right, the answer is YES. If it sways to the left, the answer is NO. If it goes in a clockwise circle, the answer is YES: a counterclockwise circle - NO.

Healers, to scan a body for disease, also use pendulums. The spinning in a counterclockwise circle is said to be an astral message that something is wrong with that part of a body. Also if the pendulum is just very active it can indicate an energy disturbance in a chakra or an imbalance of some kind. There is an old wives' tale too, that if a pendulum is held over the belly of a pregnant woman, it is a boy if it swings to the right or clockwise and a girl if it swings to the left or counterclockwise.

Before you start dowsing, you might want to say a little prayer, asking God or the powers that be for permission to dowse.

A Dowser's Prayer from Samantha:

Dear God (Or Higher Power) Please help me be centered and grounded so that I may become a clear channel of your divine grace, direction and wisdom. Protect me from all negative energies and influences while I open myself up to do they work and guide me to finding the right answers for all those who come to me for advice and help. Amen.

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Get Superior Quality #DiviningRods From Leading Companies

by Ader mark

Dowsing is also referred as doodlebugging or divining is a great technique to search precious metals like gemstones, ores, water, oil or many other unseen substances which are deep within the earth. It is commonly used in various parts of the world. This L-shaped or Y-shaped hand-held tool comes in different forms such as twig, rod or coiled wire. It is usually used by a dowser to search his target. This device is easily available in different shapes, sizes and materials. Earlier, it was utilized by water witches, wise-ones and shamans for discovering hidden things from an obscure and deep source.

Whether you want to locate missing persons, to know an unborn baby's gender or diagnose sickness, this tool is very useful. If you are going to purchase this tool, then it is sensible to buy from a reliable online shop only. Now-a-days, the internet has made easier to discover a premier online shop that supplies excellent products to all. You can checkout various online portals to read user reviews, testimonials etc. to determine the reputation of the company. The leading companies always offer top quality products at great value. Some of their featured products are Auraspring, Bobber, Aurameter, L-Rod Telescopic, Y Rod Classic Style, Cosmos Vertical, Bobber Pro with Interchangeable Washer and Ball and many more.

All their products come well equipped with their own uniqueness, physical appearance and ability that suits best as per your requirements. The price of these Divining rods is very less. As well, you can make their payment via all major credit cards including AMEX, Discover, Master Card, Visa etc. These companies always deliver premium quality products to customers at their doorstep. That's why; they have thousands of happy and satisfied customers in all over the world. Their main objective is to satisfy their customers with the best customer service and top quality products.

The best part of shopping online is that you can easily compare various products in terms of specifications, pricing etc. and can pick a right product as per your requirement. Apart from this, you can shop from their online store 24 hours in a day. With them, you can shop with confidence. All these rods are ideal for different purposes like silver prospecting, discovery, water witching, energy work, healing etc. What's more, if you are unable to find out the best product for yourself, then you can get assistance from their representatives. Their qualified staff members are always ready to assist their customers. To view their latest collection of products, please log on their official website.

In order to acquire their high quality instant service, Divining rods, and to know more about them you can directly log on to their website. Customer services and queries are dealt with special care and concern, so feel free to contact them.