Sunday, May 10, 2015

Asking Questions With Pendulum #Dowsing

By Y. Tilden
The history of pendulum dowsing begins with a 4000-year-old drawing of a physician using a pendulum in the healing of a patient. Pendulum usage is a mystical, magical means of divining answers to unknown questions. When a person practices this ancient art, he or she is continuing an age-old healing method, overlooked by modern medicine. The dowser holds the string or chain and allows the charm to fall straight down. The dowser then asks the pendulum a question and it reveals the answer by swinging in a certain direction.
Before a dowser begins pendulum dowsing, he asks the device to show him "yes" and then waits for the pendulum to swing. If the pendulum swings forward and backward, then forward and backward means "yes" for this pendulum. People use this interesting process to determine the gender of an unborn baby, to diagnose sickness, for locating lost objects, for obtaining spiritual information, locating missing persons, and they can also use this process for predicting the future. The knowledge of this technique opens up many doors for the user.
Pendulum dowsing is much the same as dowsing for water or water divination. The main difference is that with this process, the dowser uses a pendulum. With water dowsing, the dowser uses a divination rod, which is most often a 'y' shaped stick or staff. Many people believe that only certain people have the skill for dowsing or using a pendulum for divination, though anyone is welcome to try.
If you need a new pendulum for mystical dowsing, you should visit Shae Maree Designs. Their website at ShaeMareeDesigns offers all the tools a dowser could need.
Shae Maree Designs [] is the one-stop Internet emporium for dowsers. Anyone with an interest in pendulum dowsing [;jsessionid=400082E2972301C64AFF24D1C931B33E.qscstrfrnt03?categoryId=12] can buy the tools they need here. To learn more about this ancient technique, visit []
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