Saturday, May 16, 2015

How to Put #GeothermalEnergy to Work in Your Home

by Jordan Rocksmith

Recently, there have been many advancements in “green” technology that allows homeowners to enjoy all the comforts of home while making less of a carbon footprint. One of the ways many people are making their homes more environmentally friendly is by taking advantage of geothermal heat. Some homes are able to completely rely on geothermal energy, while others use it in combination with other heat and power sources. For example, companies like Curtis Bros Drilling & Pump Service can use geothermal heat to produce naturally hot water for your home. Keep reading to find out more about how you can incorporate geothermal heat into your home.

What Is Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal energy uses heat beneath the earth’s surface to heat buildings or become converted into electricity to power homes and businesses. Even when the temperature drops during the winter, the temperature of the ground remains relatively consistent, meaning it is available all year long. Unlike solar energy, it also doesn’t depend on the amount of sun you receive, so it is available in a wide variety of climates. In some areas, geothermal heat is available as little as six feet beneath the earth's surface, while in other areas it must be extracted from deeper inside the earth.

Using Geothermal Energy

In some areas of the world, power plants are able to use geothermal energy as a greener and more sustainable alternative to traditional methods. These plants convert geothermal energy into electricity, which can then power nearby communities. The United States is currently the world’s leading producer of geothermal electricity.

Heating and Cooling Systems

For those who don’t have access to geothermal electricity, it’s still possible to take advantage of geothermal heat to heat your home instead of using fuels like gas or propane. This is most common in areas near tectonic plate boundaries, where geothermal heat is the hottest and closest to the surface. In other areas, however, it is usually still possible to extract geothermal heat with the use of a heat pump. Geothermal heat is an efficient and inexpensive way to heat your home, after initial start-up costs.

Geothermal Wells

The main way geothermal energy is harnessed is by digging geothermal wells designed to harness hot water from the earth. On a large scale, these can be used to power geothermal electricity production or supply geothermal heat for your home. On a smaller scale, they can also be used to supply hot water for home use or smaller applications like spas. Contact a company like Curtis Bros Drilling & Pump Service to learn more about how geothermal energy can benefit your home.

Contact a company like Curtis Bros Drilling & Pump Service to learn more about how geothermal energy can benefit your home. To know more about us, visit

Article Source: How to Put Geothermal Energy to Work in Your Home

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Asking Questions With Pendulum #Dowsing

By Y. Tilden
The history of pendulum dowsing begins with a 4000-year-old drawing of a physician using a pendulum in the healing of a patient. Pendulum usage is a mystical, magical means of divining answers to unknown questions. When a person practices this ancient art, he or she is continuing an age-old healing method, overlooked by modern medicine. The dowser holds the string or chain and allows the charm to fall straight down. The dowser then asks the pendulum a question and it reveals the answer by swinging in a certain direction.
Before a dowser begins pendulum dowsing, he asks the device to show him "yes" and then waits for the pendulum to swing. If the pendulum swings forward and backward, then forward and backward means "yes" for this pendulum. People use this interesting process to determine the gender of an unborn baby, to diagnose sickness, for locating lost objects, for obtaining spiritual information, locating missing persons, and they can also use this process for predicting the future. The knowledge of this technique opens up many doors for the user.
Pendulum dowsing is much the same as dowsing for water or water divination. The main difference is that with this process, the dowser uses a pendulum. With water dowsing, the dowser uses a divination rod, which is most often a 'y' shaped stick or staff. Many people believe that only certain people have the skill for dowsing or using a pendulum for divination, though anyone is welcome to try.
If you need a new pendulum for mystical dowsing, you should visit Shae Maree Designs. Their website at ShaeMareeDesigns offers all the tools a dowser could need.
Shae Maree Designs [] is the one-stop Internet emporium for dowsers. Anyone with an interest in pendulum dowsing [;jsessionid=400082E2972301C64AFF24D1C931B33E.qscstrfrnt03?categoryId=12] can buy the tools they need here. To learn more about this ancient technique, visit []
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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Drilling a #WaterWell? Consider #Dowsing For Wate

by Bob Neeighbors

Soon once i moved in, the particular well went dried out, and besides, its location - downhill from your septic tank - was undesirable to state the least.

One day, as I drove about the countryside, I saw a drilling rig, hard at the office pounding the potting soil. I asked Jesus, the well driller, to come and take a look at my place.

He arrived later, accompanied by way of member of her crew, who seemed to be holding a "Y" wooden stick in your partner's hand. "First we will need to see if there's h2o here", said the man, whom Jesú lenses introduced as Carlos.

Holding a branch belonging to the "Y" in every single hand, Carlos walked to and fro on the building. Suddenly, the end of this stick shot all the way down, with his hands following a movement.

"We is going to dig here", this individual said. "There's an outstanding vein right below. "

"Let me try it out! ", I stated. He gave everyone one the branches with the "Y", and even as we reached the place, the stick jerked off with amazing push.

To make a long story short, all of us dug the properly there, and noticed water at 80 metres, which was okay for that semi-arid element of Mexico, where the application only rains during July and July.

Second Well

Fast-forward to 2008 in Latest Brunswick, Canada.

I have just simply purchased a property which has no water supply. All water there derives from private residential liquid wells.

One of all the well drillers we have contacted seems to have made some highly negative comments regarding the availability of very good water in my system of the village. He says they should go so deep they will might only obtain salty water. So bad is that it that he refuses to drill there.

Then I hear in regards to a well driller that uses old-fashioned "pounding" equiment, which usually, my informant states that, is a far superior method of finding good problematic veins at lesser absolute depths. He suggests in which before calling Mr. Mercer, your well driller, We've a certain Michael come over not to mention "switch" for h2o.

Michael uses obvious dowsing rods which he makes by rounding about wire coat hangers. Retaining one in each hand, straight face-to-face with him, he walks between the two and looks for just a vein, then another crossing the very first one. Each precious time he "hits" water, the rods open sideways.

It was interesting to view, but even more pleasant to try the idea for myself. And I could attest to the fact the rods became available when I reached the spot Michael had recommended! Not only which, as I stood there emailing him, one belonging to the rods took out of and hit me around the arm. And I swear that had nothing regarding this.

We marked the best spot with stones and sticks, as Mr. Mercer drilled presently there he found decent, clean and abundant water from a mere 70 ft.

Would he found that vein experienced he drilled somewhere else? I will hardly ever know.

What The only is if I ever really have to drill another very well, I'm not taking any chances.