Sunday, April 19, 2015

Gustav Von Pohl - The Man Behind a #RadicalIdea

By Nigel Percyand Maggie Percy

von Pohl, or, to give him his full title, Freiherr Gustav von Pohl, may not be a name which trips off your tongue. He might not have made any impression on your life so far. Or, perhaps, there's a dimly sounding bell at the back of your mind but you have no real clue what it might be trying to help you remember.

If any of those are true for you, then that's a shame. Because Gustav von Pohl has a very important role to play in ideas about disease, especially cancer.

Now, before you make any assumptions, it should be made clear that von Pohl was not a doctor or, as far as I know, associated with any medical discipline at all. What he discovered, however, has made some doctors re-think everything they've learned about disease and made others turn their backs on the ideas and research which his findings instigated.

Being the cause of two opposing reactions should be reason enough to learn more about him.

His expertise was as a dowser. He was able to find water using a dowsing tool. It is an old practice, much valued in certain parts of the world. He was also able to locate unhealthy places in the environment.

But the most important attribute for us was his questioning nature.

The focus of his interest was the small town of Vilsbiburg in his native Germany. What made this town so interesting to von Pohl was the health of the inhabitants.

This small town in Bavaria only had 3,300 people living there, yet, in the previous ten years there had been 54 deaths from cancer. More sadly, 42 of the houses had a history of seven deaths from cancer. This death rate from cancer was the highest in Bavaria.

It set von Pohl thinking. He had heard about geological faults as being a possible cause of illness and he thought that maybe something like that could explain the deaths.

He sought and gained permission to use his dowsing skills to see if he could locate areas underground which would explain the deaths.

The authorities welcomed the interest but were determined not to prejudice him in any way. After all, they had a very good reason for finding out what was happening.

So it was that, in 1929, from January 13th to the 19th, von Pohl dowsed the whole area of the town. He was accompanied by a police escort who made sure that he didn't speak to anyone and he wasn't allowed to discuss with anyone what he was finding.

He marked his findings, the places he dowsed as being unhealthy, on a map.

On a copy of the map, the town's Medical Officer of Health, a Herr Bernhuber, also marked the sites of the cancer victims.

When the two maps were compared, the beds of all 54 cancer victims were found to be over the areas which von Pohl had marked.

Despite this, it made little news and sparked little interest until the following year when the Berlin Center for Cancer Research published the findings in their journal.

This started a rash of interest in people, particularly medical doctors, trying to disprove the findings. Despite many attempts, no-one was able to disprove von Pohl's conclusion that disease is primarily associated with location.

Nearly 100 years later, research still shows that his basic assumption is true. We can and do become ill because of where we live. And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence that humans are affected in a variety of ways by the environment, no significant medical body has had the courage to invest time and money in this field. It is probably true to think that von Pohl would be dismayed by the lack of follow-through. But his interest and his skills pointed the way to a revolution in medicine which only some few souls are brave enough to follow.

So it is that Freiherr Gustav von Pohl, a man with the interest to follow an idea and to use his skill to explore it, set off a whole new area of medical research. An area which is still largely unexplored and unacknowledged.

Nigel Percy, together with his wife, Maggie, invite you to share their years of knowledge about the energetic environment at their website, []. You can ask questions, talk about your own experiences and subscribe to their free monthly newsletter; 'Your Sixth Sense; Enriching Your World'. Over 100 pages of information about the hidden aspects of the environment are waiting for you to explore them!

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