Sunday, March 15, 2015

What Is #Dowsing And How Does It Work?

By Helen Leathers

Isn't that where you look for water with a stick?

Yes, dowsing has traditionally been a method of 'divining' or looking for underground sources of water (and often oil). But dowsing isn't just about finding water.

Dowsing is a method of finding answers or objects as indicated by the movement of a device such as dowsing rods, hazel branches or a pendulum.

The dowsing device moves to indicate a positive or negative response. When asking questions it will give yes or no answers. When looking for objects it will indicate that you're getting nearer or further away, or you can combine the two and ask questions to determine where a lost object is.

I'd like to say that it doesn't matter what device you use, but in reality it's a case of finding out what suits you best. In theory any dowsing tool should work for you, but I can't guarantee that. Let me clarify this for you, I've used a pendulum since my early teens and they have always worked really well for me. It actually really doesn't matter what is on the pendulum, glass, crystal, plastic, I've even used a polo mint! However I tried and (dismally) failed at using copper rods. I was very disappointed as I had bought my first pair in Avebury (a village in Wiltshire, U.K, set within an ancient stone circle) while I was away on my Reiki 2 course so I had high hopes for them. A number of people I knew could use them straight away - even the really sceptical people I knew, but they appeared to lose all signs of life in my hands. It was only when my mum got me a set that had plastic sleeves around the handles that I succeeded. This pair of rods were able to move freely in the sleeves which took away a lot of my own scepticism and doubts about whether I was causing them to move or not. I think I needed this element of my own self doubt to be removed, as I am in fact quite cynical about these things and always look for a physical explanation first. I late discovered that I didn't need to worry about how they worked, or that I might be making them move myself - more on that below.

So in my experience pendulums of any sort are easier to master, but that's just me. You may find rods, or a small tree branch works very well for you.

People often say to me, "I bet you're just making that move yourself!" When asked this question, I always say 'Yes, I think I probably am!'. So, how does dowsing work then?

I believe that we are able to unconsciously access vast amounts of information through our intuition or psychic abilities and therefore all information is available to us. Some people refer to this as the collective consciousness, or in some cases 'The Akashic Records'. I think of it as universal knowledge. Some things we know but have forgotten, like where we last saw something that we've lost, for example. This information is in our subconscious, we just need a way to find it. So when we dowse we access this pool of information, answers and wisdom, or our own subconscious. Involuntary micro muscular movements cause the movement of pendulums and other devices to give us a visual indication of the answers to our questions.

However, I also say to people, why don't you try dowsing? Give it a good shot - it won't happen overnight so be patient and practise with it. When you find that it works for you, do you need to know any more? Or can you just accept that it is a brilliant way of accessing your psychic side?

Helen Leathers is a lifelong intuitive, clairvoyant and medium, some would say psychic. Helen prefers the term 'a naturally modern mystic'. Helen teaches, inspires and encourages spiritual growth, personal and psychic development.

Helen draws on her natural and intuitive abilities along with many years of research and personal development to produce books, products and programs to help you, whether you're just a little curious, an absolute beginner or have been involved in spiritual and psychic development for some time.

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