Some individuals area unit less inquisitive about why the rods
move than in whether or not soothsaying works. Obviously, many of us believe it
will. Soothsaying and different varieties of divination are around for
thousands of years. There are a unit giant societies of dowsers in America and
Europe and dowsers observe their art each day altogether elements of the
planet. There have even been scientists in recent years UN agency have offered
proof that soothsaying works. There should be one thing to that, then, more or
less it appears.
Water dowsers’ area unit far and away the foremost common
selection we've encountered, and they, too, exhibit a large spectrum of claims.
Some solely explore for fresh/potable water. With some, it should be moving
water. Some cannot observe water in pipes, solely "natural" water.
Most say they will tell however way down the water is, and at what rate it'll
be delivered, once broached. Water dowsers similarly as some less specialized
say they will be thrown off by magnetic fields, close electricity, machinery,
buried meteorites, lots of metal, or different underground rivers that run
across their path. The list of components and things that they assert will
inhibit their performances is endless.
Traditionally, the foremost common dowser may be a forked
(Y-shaped) branch from a tree or bush. Some dowsers like branches from specific
trees to be freshly cut. Hazel twigs in Europe and
witch-hazel within the American area unit
historically normally chosen from willow or peach trees.
The 2 ends on the forked aspect area unit command one in every hand with the
third (the stem of the Y) inform straight ahead. Usually the branches area unit
grasped palms down. The dowser moves slowly over the places wherever he thinks
the target (for example, minerals or water) could also be, and therefore the
dowser dips, inclines or twitches once a discovery is formed. This technique is
typically called "willow witching".
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