Water Dowsing
Bill Getz Professional Dowser 50+ years finding good water.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Several Methods to Find Well Water New Mexico
Water is one of the most important resources of planet earth that has innumerable uses in our daily lives. The groundwater is an important source for farmers, house owners, builders and people from different walks of life for different purpose. People seek different methods to find the aquifers and some are discussed below.
Various other methods to find water
Drilling test wells: It has been a common method to find well water in California and followed by several people. Here, a test well is drilled to determine the geological information on the area that didn't exist previously. The information includes geologic formations, water quality and others. This well can also be pump-tested to find out the aquifer characteristics.
Water witching or Dowsing: It is an old method followed by some people to retrieve minerals, elements or water. It is also framed as "Pseudoscience" in some terms, as it does not involve any scientific principles or apparatus. It is purely based on assumptions and even researches have been done over this topic only to find that it is just a random chance. However, a bunch of people even today practice this sort of thing to fool people.
Electro-seismic survey: It is another method to find well water in Arizona with the help of latest generation computer equipments. There are survey companies that conduct electro-seismic survey and prepare reports indicating water location and other details prior to drilling. It incorporates use of scientific principles and methods to establish substantial results.
Functions of Electro-seismic surveys
The groundwater present in the porous rock mediums can generate electro-seismic signals that help to find the location of a well. This method does not directly find out groundwater flow, but it can measure the hydraulic activities in the solids and sediments.
Wave propagation: First of all, the groundwater surveyors propagate a seismic wave in the ground with the help of certain equipments. The resistivity of earth materials is modulated through the waves and water present in the aquifers make slight movements generating signals. It is the first step to find well water in Arizona.
Record signals: The generated signals are recorded in the highly sensitive computer equipment. The signals are the data that are to be processed further. The processed data derive potential information.
Information report: Information is further analyzed by incorporating geological information about the area. The geophysicists conduct scientific analysis on them to find out the exact location to find well water Utah.
Other details: The report comprises of various details such water well location, yielding estimates of water and the depth up to which well must be drilled.
It is an effective method than others due to its accuracy and reliability. This method is inexpensive as compared to blind digging of holes to find well water New Mexico and disturb the environment. Irrelevant and unwanted troubles can be avoided by calling upon the groundwater surveyors for conducting surveys way ahead of drilling. Also, it saves an ample amount of valuable time.
>About the Author
Steven Paul is a noted geophysicist working for a find well water california company. He prefers electro-seismic surveys to find well water utah a well. He uses latest generation technologies to find well water arizona. Surveys to find well water new mexico for drilling saves valuable time and money.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
A Guide to Pendulum Dowsing
A beginners guide to working with a Pendulum
Would you like to find lost objects; answer-puzzling questions find your lucky numbers? I bet you would. Have you ever seen anyone use a 'forked twig' (called dowsing) to locate underground water? Even if you haven't seen this in real life you must've seen it in the movies. How come some people can find water and others cannot? Is it something magical or is it something inherent in everyone?
What is dowsing? Well, it's a technique where the psychic or sensitive faculty of the brain can be used to acquire information not normally registered by the everyday / conscious mind. In finding water a forked twig is used, held outward when the Dowser finds the underground flow the rod begins to jerk (some - times violently) downward. The water does not have to flow, it can be still. I'm not going into detail about the forked twig but will explain another, even simpler, method of Dowsing (or divining) The Pendulum. In making your own Pendulum all you need is a length of cotton (or string) and a small weight. Your weight can be glass, your favourite crystal, metal, wood, or plastic, anything small enough to carry around with you. Your length of cotton should be about 30cm. Having made your Pendulum you should hold it (between thumb and forefinger) in the opposite hand to your writing hand.
Step One: First of all you need to establish a code for yes or no. Most people find a clockwise motion means yes and an anti - clockwise motion to mean no. A few experiments will soon reveal YOUR code. Sometimes a side - to - side or backwards and forwards motion occurs. Again, a little experimenting will let you know which means yes and which means no. Try this simple (but effective) experiment: Fill a dish with water, hold your Pendulum over the dish, relax your mind as best you can and ask the question: "Does the dish contain water?" You know it does, all you're attempting to find out is the motion your Pendulum is going to take for a 'yes' answer.
Try again with an empty dish noticing the direction your Pendulum is taking. Experiment like this for a few days until you feel comfortable holding your Pendulum and discovering which direction means 'yes' or 'no.' When the Pendulum moves it is NOT moving of it's own accord but is subconsciously controlled by subtle muscle movements; your muscle movements. Remembering at all times it is NOT the Pendulum, which is answering the questions; it is the psychic faculty of your own mind. In the beginning people tend to think that some mysterious force is at work and become all consumed with this magical force. Rest assured this is not so, it's all happening from within you, controlled by YOU.
Step Two: After you've experimented for a time it's only fair, at this stage, to mention what's going on. As with all other psychic techniques, from Tarot cards, Clairvoyance, to ESP, dowsing can provide information about past, present, and future. All you need to know are a few simple steps. At all times, whenever you're experimenting with the Pendulum, keep an open mind and restrict your trials to 20-30 minutes every second or third day. Don't fall into the trap of asking your Pendulum everyday questions like "should I take in the washing?"
Step Three: Let's suppose you were thinking about changing your job or asking for a raise, maybe even moving house. You should sit in your favourite chair, relaxing your mind. Write down your question on a piece of paper then hold your Pendulum above your writing pad. In a short time you'll notice the Pendulum move and according to its direction you would take you answer from there. Let's assume you received a YES answer to whether you should change jobs. You can now develop your answer by asking another question: When? You should write down a list of options, i.e. next week, next month, 6-8 weeks, etc.
Hold your Pendulum over each option and you should receive your answer accordingly. You can use this technique for a wide variety of questions, keeping an open mind as to the answers received. Another question might be: What are my lucky numbers? You would then write out a list from 1-100 and using your Pendulum hold it over each number in turn asking yes or no. You should then write down all the numbers considered lucky. You might want to use these numbers the next time you try the Lotto, Keno, Pools, etc. For those who are really interested in using the Pendulum for gambling you can pick horses in any race using the above method. Keeping in mind at all times, the information is coming from within you and not from anywhere else, if you do manage to pick a few winners or, win a few jackpots it's only because the information was there all the time.
Step Four: Apart from the fun you can have with Step three there's another useful and dramatic demonstration of Pendulum Dowsing which I would like to share with you, the finding of missing objects. As an experiment ask someone to hide something from you and then ask your Pendulum a series of questions. You should be able to locate the hidden object. Let's say your friend hid your wedding ring in a jar in the kitchen. You would begin your series of questions by asking if it were in the house, living room, hallway, etc. Once you've located the room then it's only a matter of finding out whether it is high or low. Maybe even going into the room and letting the Pendulum guide you (as you get closer it should spin wildly). You might not be successful on your first few attempts but if you persevere you'll soon become more and more accurate.
Step Five: When planning your holidays (once you've picked a few winners) you should write out a list of the places you would like to visit and ask the Pendulum which one is favourable and plan accordingly. Even if you find yourself lost (and you've become proficient in using your Pendulum) you can ask for directions, with or without a map! Here are a few other suggestions. Ask simple questions to begin with (so that you can check the answers immediately), questions such as: Is there any mail in the mailbox? Have someone hide something and holding your Pendulum try to locate it. Ask someone to place a coin in one of three upturned cups and see if you can locate the coin. Once again I repeat, the Pendulum moves because YOU make it move, the answers received are coming from within YOU and nowhere else
Numerology and Astrology have been my life and passion for over 30 years. I've been published numerous times and still have something new to offer each time I hit the keyboard - who wants to read the same old same old? I believe if you have a philosophy and no one knows about it, it doesn't mean anything. If you have an idea or insight and tell no one - it's meaningless.
Follow my Moon Diary: http://www.thomasmuldoon.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Thomas_Muldoon/114343
Monday, January 2, 2017
The Divine Database By Doni Shultz
With The Divine Database, Doni Shultz has opened a door for people to explore the classic process of dowsing as a means of improving and enhancing your current lot in life. In many centuries, past dowsing was employed as a means of divination to discover sources of food, water, shelter, and other means of sustenance. As time wore on, technology replaced dowsing as a process for such discovery. Doni Shultz has not opted to reexamine this classic process and employ it to attain success in life.
In ancient days, a spiritual power was tapped into and this power helped enhance their potential for survival. In many ways, this spiritual power opens the door to attaining a higher level of consciousness. This allows you to ascertain the information you need in order to answer any question in life.
The Divine Database: How to Use Dowsing to Make Wise Choices with Confidence shows displays many of the steps that can be employed to tap into the power of dowsing. Once you have tapped into this power, you will be surprised as how you will be able to deal with the many complex problems and challenges associated with life.
At the most basic level, this process will help restore your mind to a level that is primed for effective function. When you are able to free the mind from various "psychological noise" that can hamper clarity, you will find your mind operates in a much better and easier way.
Once you have achieved such clarity of mind, you have the potential to make it work for you effectively. Those that may have suffered many varied setbacks on their career path will discover that access to The Divine Database may boost their potential to achieve tremendous rewards on the job. There is no longer a reason to feel trapped in a particular job. Doni Shultz has opened pathways that have been closed for centuries. Exploring the theories and techniques put forth in this book/audio series may prove enormously helpful. Actually, the process could prove to be more than helpful. It could prove to be life changing. Certainly, that would be a welcome alternative to whatever position you may currently find yourself.
It is also important to point out that The Divine Database is not just a tome that defines what the process is. Doni Shultz also presents a clear program regarding how to cultivate the process and truly make it work for you. A solid roadmap in this regard is put forth and those willing to follow the roadmap will discover the entire process to be enlightening and rewarding. This is a work that can change your life for the better. All you need to do is put the advice presented in it to practice.
The Divine Database by Doni Shultz truly is a work of inspired brilliance. It presents insight into a process of personal improvement that had previously been lost to history. That alone makes it an intriguing work well worth examining.
About the Author
Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Divine Database by Doni Shultz
Sunday, December 11, 2016
#Dowsing - Fact or Fiction
Answering the question of whether something is fact or fiction is very hard. The reason being, there are people who believe and then there are those that feel if mainstream science cannot prove it, it must be false. Speaking of dowsing is no different.
I was raised in the mountains of eastern Tennessee where many superstitions were born over the years. There are many superstitions that I call false that my grandmother swears by. I am sure you have heard of many of them so I'll get on to the dowsing.
When I was a young boy all those years ago many of the people around eastern Tennessee were very poor people. They had to rely on their knowledge and abilities more than on science. One of these people was a dowser. I had a chance to know him rather well since he was a close family friend.
I saw him one day walking around the lawn and close pasture fields of his house with a funny looking stick in his hand. I ran over and asked him what he was doing and he ignored me and walked away. I thought I had done something to make him angry.
I went to his wife to inquire about what hew was doing and to find out how I may have offended him. She proceeded to explain to me that he was looking for a spot for them to make a well. Naturally I was very inquisitive and asked if he would show me how to do it. She proceeded to tell me how he couldn't just tell anyone. It had to be a certain person he told. He could only tell another man and it had to be one of his children or grandchildren. I don't remember which. I do remember that he did find water when he dug his well. I also remember several other wells he "witched". This was the common term in our area for finding waster.
When I was a little older, I was working for a man that could take two wires and hold them in his hand and find the direction of flow for an underground stream or water pipe. I was never as captivated with this method as with the witching of water. This seemed to easy to fake to me. Still, I cannot prove this man wrong.
To these people and to others there is no doubt that "dowsing" or "witching" is a fact. I cannot be 100% sure but I have no reason to doubt what I saw. I do know that not everyone has this ability. It has to be some sort of witchcraft if it is that secretive.
Scientists have done several studies on the process of dowsing with no results proving it is a fact, but not completely disproving either. One of these tests had the dowsers in an upstairs section of a two story barn. Water was run through a pipe on the ground floor and they were asked to pinpoint the location of the water pipe. These tests were completed over a two year period for a total of 843 tests. Of the 43 dowsers competing in this test 37 never found it at 6 averaged better than chance at finding it. Proved or disproved? I haven't a clue.
I can only say that science cannot prove or disprove that of which there is no background. Maybe it must be outdoors as to not interfere with the earth's electromagnetic field. There are several factors one cannot take haphazardly when trying to prove or disprove superstitious acts or findings such as these.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Stanley_Roberts/134350
Sunday, December 4, 2016
#Dowsing Rods
By Sarah Saxon
Dowsing rods have been used for many centuries both by psychics and by people seeking to find water sources underground. Most people are aware of the use of a hazel rod used by water diviners but today it is more usual to use a pair of brass divining rods which have a 45 degree angled end to each rod.
The use of dowsing rods by psychics is extremely interesting as is dowsing by other means. Rods are used as just one means of dowsing and the use of a pendulum is another means. Today people can purchase dowsing rods that have been specially made. These are usually made in brass and look like a pair of rods about 50 cm in length with the last 10 cm bent at a right angle to the main shaft. When I was about 5 years old, I used my first dowsing rod. This was made with a Y angled hazel stick. There were people dowsing on the property for water and of course as a child I was fascinated by it and had to try it out. I found it worked strongly enough to pull the stick right out of my hands. So dowsing really does work. I think the fact I was already psychic and well aware of it probably had something to do with it.
Dowsing in the psychic type of arena can be used for many different useful things and is far from dowsing for water. What you are doing by dowsing is making use of the abilities of the dowsing rods to find things, people or any kind of point on a map that will point to information. Use of rods is also a means of making you more psychic as it opens you up in more ways than you realize. Here you are making use of both arms and holding them both firmly but in a relaxed manner. The relaxation of the arms is important as this enables you to feel the way the rods twitch when you pin point the area you are seeking. I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms but isn't really. If I am seeking a person I make sure the map of the area is laid out on the floor so that I can stand above it to use the rods. I prefer to use a highly detailed map of the area once I have had a hit on a bigger map. This way you can be more accurate as to the exact area to search in. One has to get ones mind into the right state, and concentrate on the exact person you are looking for, for it to work well. I usually ask for a photograph before starting. This gets the actual person in to my orbit. Each person is different and what works for me, might not work for you.
There are many things a psychic can dowse for. Missing People, missing articles, missing money and of course water or oil. While people can be done with a map, things like water or oil need to be done on site in the end.
Sarah Saxon writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry and offers fact based unbiased advice and overviews.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sarah_Saxon/627996
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Things To Consider Prior To Drilling #WaterWells

A well is a hole that is dug into the ground with the aim of obtaining some kind liquids. The most common reason they are dug is to obtain water. Studies show that up to 95% of the total fresh-water in the world is found from underground stores. Most homes in the United States have a well in their homes to ensure a stable supply. Drilling water wells can be done in many different ways so there are thing one must consider before undertaking the drilling process.
First is to consider the expenses that are likely to be incurred by the different sources of water available. The process of constructing a well is an expensive undertaking that the owner must keep in mind. There are also very dangerous risks that could suddenly occur during the process when care is not taken. Choosing to get direct connections from public connections offered by most government services could be a cheaper option. It however has the limitation of lack of assurance of constant supplies.
Finding out what other wells have been drilled within the area is also essential. The geological departments will always keep records of wells dug within an area and what depth they went below the surface to get the aquifer. These people can also give advice on which locations where aquifers can be easily accessed. Knowing the water-table depth gives an idea of the costs that are likely to be involved.
Involving specialists in the process must also be considered. This is because the process of digging through the surface is very dangerous especially where manual laborers are involved. The walls could easily collapse where the ground is soft or the ground could sink into a big underground reservoir. Specialists are also helpful in dealing with legal documentations that are required in this activity.
Next task is choosing the most suitable location to drill. There are general guidelines that dictate on which site is best. The site should be from any contaminants such as underground septic tanks or fuel tanks that had been buried. A distance of approximately 1.5 meters away from the nearest residential house is also recommended. The place should also be easily accessible to enable regular maintaining services.
With the site established, the correct method of drilling must be determined. This largely depends on the water table level from the ground surface as well as the kind of soil within the area. In areas where the geological specials and maps suggest that the water levels are very deep, manual digging cannot be used. Huge machines that are able to drill the ground are recommended in these places. Similarly when the soil is tough and rocky, heavy metallic machines must be used.
When all goes well and groundwater is accessed, the final step is to construct a support to the surrounding walls. This will make sure that the walls do not collapse into the hole one the process is finished. The wall supports also prevent any entry of contaminants that could easily sip in from the surroundings.
The process of drilling water wells is a cumbersome project that is costly and full of risks. It is however a worthwhile project to pursue because one is assured of regular supplies once the process ends. A lot of consultations with geological specialists in addition to doing adequate preparations toward the risks that may happen.
About the Author
Sunday, November 20, 2016
#Dowsing-finding Water, Metals and Spiritual Peace
Dowsing, also known as divining or doodlebugging, is seen by many as a simple superstition whereby adherents claim to be able to find water, precious metals, oil and other unseen substances deep within the earth. They do this by tapping into some unknown force that impels a forked branch they are holding to be drawn in a downward direction over these hidden items, thereby exposing its location and minimizing the amount of digging that has to take place.
The practitioners of dowsing are, of course, its strongest adherents. Many believe, for example, that they can find potable water, determine how deep it is, and how fast it flows. Walking over an area suspected to contain an underground stream, the diviner's rod, often a two pronged branch of a willow or hazel tree, is brought down sometimes with astounding force over an underground stream and whose direction of flow can be mapped by the variations in this force as the dowser moves towards or away from its flow.
Besides tree branches, divining L shaped rods can also be used. These will align themselves with the flow of water in a pipe, or cross over each other if it's an object of some sort. Coat hangers, and rods made of plastic and glass have also been used with some success. Some diviners use pendulums from which is suspended a crystal or a piece of metal. The direction the pendulum moves establishes the location.
Others ask the pendulum a question, and the direction the pendulum moves determines whether the answer to the question is a yes or no. First questions determine whether the left right or up down motions mean yes or no, after which other questions can be asked with the pendulum providing the answers. A pad or cloth with the words "yes" or "no" on it, as well as other words drawn within a circle simplify the reading of the pendulum's answers.
The paranormal claims and unalloyed certitude of dowsers has been questioned and tested on many occasions. Some believe that the ideomotor effect is the true explanation for the otherwise inexplicable movements of dowsing rods. This is an involuntary movement caused by a thought process or an idea rather than a sensory stimulation, in which the subconscious knowledge or perception of the dowser is the underlying source of influence.
It appears that under scientific conditions, the success of dowsers to find hidden pipes with running water is no better than chance. The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organization dedicating to uncovering charlatans and protecting individuals from pseudoscientific claims, offers a million dollar prize to "anyone who can demonstrate a paranormal ability under fair conditions that prevent fraud or error." This prize explicitly includes dowsers, and has yet to be claimed.
Notwithstanding, dowsers continue to ply their trade, and have extended it to medical diagnosis and treatment, finding dead bodies and missing persons, and buried objects of all sorts. Dowsers of a more spiritual bent feel it brings them closer to God, and some have compared its emanations to those of the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah. To its most devoted practitioners, it remains a powerful and sustaining vehicle that is nurturing and self-sustaining, and is unlikely to be debunked by skeptics of any sort.
About the Author
Larry Isaacson is Vice President of Haskell New York Inc., a company which sells Discount Office Supplies and Storage Cabinets online at OfficeSalesUSA.com.