Sunday, March 27, 2016

Gustav Von Pohl - The Man Behind a Radical Idea

By Nigel Percyand Maggie Percy

von Pohl, or, to give him his full title, Freiherr Gustav von Pohl, may not be a name which trips off your tongue. He might not have made any impression on your life so far. Or, perhaps, there's a dimly sounding bell at the back of your mind but you have no real clue what it might be trying to help you remember.

If any of those are true for you, then that's a shame. Because Gustav von Pohl has a very important role to play in ideas about disease, especially cancer.

Now, before you make any assumptions, it should be made clear that von Pohl was not a doctor or, as far as I know, associated with any medical discipline at all. What he discovered, however, has made some doctors re-think everything they've learned about disease and made others turn their backs on the ideas and research which his findings instigated.

Being the cause of two opposing reactions should be reason enough to learn more about him.

His expertise was as a dowser. He was able to find water using a dowsing tool. It is an old practice, much valued in certain parts of the world. He was also able to locate unhealthy places in the environment.

But the most important attribute for us was his questioning nature.

The focus of his interest was the small town of Vilsbiburg in his native Germany. What made this town so interesting to von Pohl was the health of the inhabitants.

This small town in Bavaria only had 3,300 people living there, yet, in the previous ten years there had been 54 deaths from cancer. More sadly, 42 of the houses had a history of seven deaths from cancer. This death rate from cancer was the highest in Bavaria.

It set von Pohl thinking. He had heard about geological faults as being a possible cause of illness and he thought that maybe something like that could explain the deaths.

He sought and gained permission to use his dowsing skills to see if he could locate areas underground which would explain the deaths.

The authorities welcomed the interest but were determined not to prejudice him in any way. After all, they had a very good reason for finding out what was happening.

So it was that, in 1929, from January 13th to the 19th, von Pohl dowsed the whole area of the town. He was accompanied by a police escort who made sure that he didn't speak to anyone and he wasn't allowed to discuss with anyone what he was finding.

He marked his findings, the places he dowsed as being unhealthy, on a map.

On a copy of the map, the town's Medical Officer of Health, a Herr Bernhuber, also marked the sites of the cancer victims.

When the two maps were compared, the beds of all 54 cancer victims were found to be over the areas which von Pohl had marked.

Despite this, it made little news and sparked little interest until the following year when the Berlin Center for Cancer Research published the findings in their journal.

This started a rash of interest in people, particularly medical doctors, trying to disprove the findings. Despite many attempts, no-one was able to disprove von Pohl's conclusion that disease is primarily associated with location.

Nearly 100 years later, research still shows that his basic assumption is true. We can and do become ill because of where we live. And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence that humans are affected in a variety of ways by the environment, no significant medical body has had the courage to invest time and money in this field. It is probably true to think that von Pohl would be dismayed by the lack of follow-through. But his interest and his skills pointed the way to a revolution in medicine which only some few souls are brave enough to follow.

So it is that Freiherr Gustav von Pohl, a man with the interest to follow an idea and to use his skill to explore it, set off a whole new area of medical research. An area which is still largely unexplored and unacknowledged.

Nigel Percy, together with his wife, Maggie, invite you to share their years of knowledge about the energetic environment at their website, []. You can ask questions, talk about your own experiences and subscribe to their free monthly newsletter; 'Your Sixth Sense; Enriching Your World'. Over 100 pages of information about the hidden aspects of the environment are waiting for you to explore them!

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

The #Divine Database by Doni Shultz

By Ben Sanderson

With The Divine Database, Doni Shultz has opened a door for people to explore the classic process of dowsing as a means of improving and enhancing your current lot in life. In many centuries, past dowsing was employed as a means of divination to discover sources of food, water, shelter, and other means of sustenance. As time wore on, technology replaced dowsing as a process for such discovery. Doni Shultz has not opted to reexamine this classic process and employ it to attain success in life.

In ancient days, a spiritual power was tapped into and this power helped enhance their potential for survival. In many ways, this spiritual power opens the door to attaining a higher level of consciousness. This allows you to ascertain the information you need in order to answer any question in life.

The Divine Database: How to Use Dowsing to Make Wise Choices with Confidence shows displays many of the steps that can be employed to tap into the power of dowsing. Once you have tapped into this power, you will be surprised as how you will be able to deal with the many complex problems and challenges associated with life.

At the most basic level, this process will help restore your mind to a level that is primed for effective function. When you are able to free the mind from various "psychological noise" that can hamper clarity, you will find your mind operates in a much better and easier way.

Once you have achieved such clarity of mind, you have the potential to make it work for you effectively. Those that may have suffered many varied setbacks on their career path will discover that access to The Divine Database may boost their potential to achieve tremendous rewards on the job. There is no longer a reason to feel trapped in a particular job. Doni Shultz has opened pathways that have been closed for centuries. Exploring the theories and techniques put forth in this book/audio series may prove enormously helpful. Actually, the process could prove to be more than helpful. It could prove to be life changing. Certainly, that would be a welcome alternative to whatever position you may currently find yourself.

It is also important to point out that The Divine Database is not just a tome that defines what the process is. Doni Shultz also presents a clear program regarding how to cultivate the process and truly make it work for you. A solid roadmap in this regard is put forth and those willing to follow the roadmap will discover the entire process to be enlightening and rewarding. This is a work that can change your life for the better. All you need to do is put the advice presented in it to practice.

The Divine Database by Doni Shultz truly is a work of inspired brilliance. It presents insight into a process of personal improvement that had previously been lost to history. That alone makes it an intriguing work well worth examining.

Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Divine Database by Doni Shultz

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Indigo Testing

By Dr. Janine Talty, DO

As the Indigo adults begin to identify themselves based on lists of characteristics found on the Internet and in some printed texts, where can they go to get validation for their suppositions? Who can they ask? How can they verify beyond a reasonable doubt if in fact they qualify to fit in this very narrow classification? Most have felt so ostracized by societal norms, how dare they actually consider they might finally fit into a recognized category. And most importantly, where can they go to find others of the same persuasion?

Finding a test to verify my supposition that I was an Indigo person became both my passion and biggest frustration when I came to suspect that I might be one of these people. How could I truly know for certain? In the metaphysical literature many were repeating a statement that was originally made by Drunvalo Melchizedek that people of this persuasion had upgraded DNA that explained their supernatural traits and abilities. He said these new beings had 26 base pairs of the DNA in the "on" position versus the usual 24 of normal people. As a physician I took his statement to heart but need to scientifically verify it before I could repeat it and perhaps find a simple blood test to test for it. I followed this lead all the way to the Human Genome Project that has been researching DNA characteristics since 1990 in an attempt to identify the 20,000 to 25,000 genes in human DNA but also to determine the sequence of the 3 billion base pairs that make it up. If anyone could verify these statements, they certainly seem capable I thought. I spoke to three different geneticists who had no idea what I was referring to. They needed to know which specific gene I was describing. Not having that specific information my only lead crumbled.

It wasn't until I met Dr. Richard Boylan who has been researching what he calls the Star Kids and Star Seeds for nearly 25 years when I found my conformational tests. He developed a 54 question questionnaire along with a technique using dowsing rods that measures the individual's bio-electromagnetic-photic field. Both combined give a high correlation of accuracy. The technology of dowsing for underground water or buried electrical lines is well accepted. Using the dowsing rods to measure the size and distance of the body's bio-electromagnetic-photic field is not so well known, but very accurate with if performed by a skilled dowser. The questionnaire can be found either on his website; under "star kids questionnaire" at, or in my recently published book Indigo Awakening; A Doctor's Memoir Of Forging An Authentic Life In A Turbulent World.

Dowsing can be easily learned by taking either two pieces of metal wire from a coat hanger or copper wire bent at a 90 degree angle, holding them lightly between your bent index finger and thumb pointed at the individual and simply ask the rods to show you a "yes" (they will separate out laterally) or a "no" (they will come together and cross). Concentration with intension is imperative for this exercise. If your grip is too tight they will not be free to move so it is always more accurate to place the portion of the wire you are holding in drinking straws so they move more freely. Once you have become proficient at communicating with your rods, stand at least 30 feet from the person you are attempting to measure and walk slowly toward them all the while asking the rods to show you the outermost margin of the person's electromagnetic field. When the rods separate to the outside is where you begin your counting the distance away from the individual.

According to Dr. Boylan, a "regular USDA human's" electromagnetic field can be measured 18" - 20" off the body. A Star Kid or Star Seed (Indigo; Blue Ray) is three meters (6 feet) and above. The largest field he has ever measured was an Italian young man at 54 feet. In my practice of physically "derailed" Indigo adults, I commonly find 15 to 22 feet.

Janine Talty, D.O., M.P.H.

Janine Talty, D.O., M.P.H. Is board certified in Family Medicine by the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. She specializes in clinical biomechanics, orthopedic medicine, and Osteopathic manipulative medicine. She is the medical director of the Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in Watsonville California and is an assistant clinical professor in the department of Manual Medicine at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing Michigan. Her practice focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal diagnostic dilemmas of the spine and extremities, sports medicine, pain management, prolotherapy, Lyme disease and natural hormone balance for women and men. She attended medical school at Des Moines University and completed her internship and residency in Family Medicine and fellowship in Clinical Biomechanics at Michigan State University.

For information about Indigo Awakening, please visit

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Sunday, March 6, 2016

How To Use #DowsingRods

By Kum Martin

Dowsing is a technique to divinate water under the ground. This technique originated in Germany in the fifteenth century, and is also referred to as water witching. Nowadays, diviners use dowsing rod to discover water as well as minerals, and buried artifacts and treasures. At times this technique is also used to locate missing people.

There is a belief that all objects, living and inanimate, have a field of energy that gives out vibrations of different frequencies. The dowsing rod works as an antenna and helps to get capture these vibrations. Another theory assumes that there is a psychic link between the dowser and the object being sought.

Dowsing is an esoteric science and hence, is subject to a lot of suspicion as well as skepticism. However, those who believe in it will be happy to hear that Albert Einstein was a believer of this technique.

So, how does one use a dowsing rod? Well, it depends on the kind of rod being used. There are primarily 2 kinds of rod a person can use. One is the L-shaped rod, while the other is a Y-shaped rod. Also, the purpose of both rods is different.

L-shaped rod is used to detect a supernatural presence. In places that have frequent paranormal activities, L-shaped rods are used. This rod is made out of metal, namely copper, and there is a reason behind this. A pair of rods is used for detecting a supernatural being or presence and the rods get attracted to the magnetic field or electric charge that the supernatural being tends to emit.

On the other hand, the Y-shaped rod is used to divinate water or minerals. The Y part of the rod is held in both hands, while the long tail of the Y is held outwards. When the tail reaches the water or mineral source under the ground, it begins to vibrate and thereby the dowser knows that there is something underneath all the soil, mud or rocks.

You maybe surprised to learn that alternative medicine makes using of this technique. Dowsing is used to find out which vertebra is displaced or which organ in the body is diseased. Thereafter, a treatment plan is made. It is also used to find out which substances a person is allergic to.

It is believed that teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 years are more sensitive and therefore, they make better dowsers compared to adults. You can practice this technique yourself. Remember, you will have to be patient and persevere in order to get results. But the whole experience will be fun and exciting, especially if your rod gives you results very soon.

Kum Martin is an online leading expert in fortune telling. He also offers top quality articles like:

Dream Symbol Meaning [], Nightmares And Meanings []

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