Sunday, September 27, 2015

The #Divine Database by Doni Shultz

By Ben Sanderson

With The Divine Database, Doni Shultz has opened a door for people to explore the classic process of dowsing as a means of improving and enhancing your current lot in life. In many centuries, past dowsing was employed as a means of divination to discover sources of food, water, shelter, and other means of sustenance. As time wore on, technology replaced dowsing as a process for such discovery. Doni Shultz has not opted to reexamine this classic process and employ it to attain success in life.

In ancient days, a spiritual power was tapped into and this power helped enhance their potential for survival. In many ways, this spiritual power opens the door to attaining a higher level of consciousness. This allows you to ascertain the information you need in order to answer any question in life.

The Divine Database: How to Use Dowsing to Make Wise Choices with Confidence shows displays many of the steps that can be employed to tap into the power of dowsing. Once you have tapped into this power, you will be surprised as how you will be able to deal with the many complex problems and challenges associated with life.

At the most basic level, this process will help restore your mind to a level that is primed for effective function. When you are able to free the mind from various "psychological noise" that can hamper clarity, you will find your mind operates in a much better and easier way.

Once you have achieved such clarity of mind, you have the potential to make it work for you effectively. Those that may have suffered many varied setbacks on their career path will discover that access to The Divine Database may boost their potential to achieve tremendous rewards on the job. There is no longer a reason to feel trapped in a particular job. Doni Shultz has opened pathways that have been closed for centuries. Exploring the theories and techniques put forth in this book/audio series may prove enormously helpful. Actually, the process could prove to be more than helpful. It could prove to be life changing. Certainly, that would be a welcome alternative to whatever position you may currently find yourself.

It is also important to point out that The Divine Database is not just a tome that defines what the process is. Doni Shultz also presents a clear program regarding how to cultivate the process and truly make it work for you. A solid roadmap in this regard is put forth and those willing to follow the roadmap will discover the entire process to be enlightening and rewarding. This is a work that can change your life for the better. All you need to do is put the advice presented in it to practice.

The Divine Database by Doni Shultz truly is a work of inspired brilliance. It presents insight into a process of personal improvement that had previously been lost to history. That alone makes it an intriguing work well worth examining.

Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Divine Database by Doni Shultz

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Drilling a Water Well? Consider #Dowsing For Water

by Bob Neeighbors

First Well

My very first experience with water divining extends back to the later part of the 80s, in a smaller Mexican village where I needed bought a smaller farm. Soon when i moved in, the actual well went dry out, and besides, its location - downhill in the septic tank - was undesirable to state the least.

One afternoon, as I drove across the countryside, I saw a drilling rig, hard at the office pounding the garden soil. I asked Jesus, the well driller, to come and visit my place.

He came later, accompanied by way of a member of this crew, who ended up being holding a "Y" fashioned stick in her hand. "First we see if there's h2o here", said the person, whom Jesú ersus introduced as Carlos.

Holding a branch of your "Y" in each one hand, Carlos walked forward and backward on the house. Suddenly, the end belonging to the stick shot downwards, with his hands following movement.

"We may dig here", she said. "There's the best vein right right here. "

"Let me you should try it! ", I proclaimed. He gave me personally one the branches of your "Y", and as we reached the notice, the stick jerked off with amazing power.

To make a protracted story short, we tend to dug the nicely there, and observed water at 80 yards, which was top notch for that semi-arid portion of Mexico, where them only rains with July and May.

Second Well

Fast-forward to 2008 in Innovative Brunswick, Canada.

I have just purchased a property which has no water supply. All water there arises from private residential drinking water wells.

One of the well drillers that i have contacted provides made some quite negative comments for the availability of great water in my the main village. He says they should go so deep construct y might only look for salty water. So bad will it be that he refuses to drill there.

Then I hear with regards to a well driller what individuals uses old-fashioned "pounding" equiment, in which, my informant states that, is a far superior means of finding good leg veins at lesser depths. He suggests in which before calling Mr. Mercer, that well driller, We have a certain Eric come over not to mention "switch" for the water.

Michael uses basic dowsing rods that she makes by bending wire coat hangers. Presenting one in every different hand, straight around him, he walks to and fro and looks on a vein, then another crossing the first one. Each instance he "hits" the water, the rods open sideways.

It was interesting to look at, but even more pleasant to try it all for myself. And I can easily attest to the point that the rods opened when I reached the spot Michael had necessary! Not only the fact that, as I stood there emailing him, one belonging to the rods took away from and hit me for the arm. And I swear that i had nothing related to this.

We marked one of the best spot with stones and sticks, and when Mr. Mercer drilled right now there he found wonderful, clean and abundant water at the mere 70 ft.

Would he are finding that vein previously had he drilled in a different place? I will under no circumstances know.

For more information please visit: Positive aspects of Having Wat [], Benefits of Possessing H2o Nic, Advantages of Getting D

Sunday, September 13, 2015

#Divination With Sticks - The Many Uses of Sticks in Divination

By Richard Wilkins

People have performed divination with sticks for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. There are Icelandic accounts of casting costing lots with sticks during the time of Erik the Red. Likewise, the Chinese have and ancient tradition. In divination with sticks, runes may or may not be carved upon them. Some schools of thought hold that doing so, however, increases the potency of the forces at work. Another form of divination with sticks is the well known divining rod.

The divining rod, or dowsing rod, is a form of divination with sticks, usually forked, and is commonly used to find underground water sources, although it could be applied in many other ways. This forked branch is usually cut from a hazel tree, and carefully cured by the person who intends to use it. Frequent and sustained contact with the person who will use this device is absolutely required for it to work properly. There psychic energies must be aligned so that the wood is able to sense the presence of water of whatever is being sought with it.

Another way of divination with sticks, it the Chinese Chien Tung, or Chinese Oracle. This is usually a collection of bamboo twigs, or sticks, and have numbers carved into them. By shaking the container until a stick pops free, the reader acquires a single stick which can be interpreted by a reader into its relevance to the question. Some versions contain sixty bamboo sticks, while others contain seventy-eight. Most Chien Tung sets are beautifully artistic, and each set is accompanied by a chart or booklet of prophetic fortunes to match the numbered sticks. Experienced readers quickly align themselves with the powers unleashed in Chien Tung, and are thereby better able to interpret the reading.

In cases of divination with sticks where runes are carved onto the items, each rune is consulted on a chart, and the reading is provided to the querent. Great care must be taken with runes. Psychic energies have been infused into these marks, and they are sensitive to outside interference when being used. Make your casting in a quiet environment where you and the querent are able to concentrate without interruption.

Richard Wilkins, co-owner and psychic trainer at the Psychic Academy is a leading researcher in developing psychic powers [] and how to learn tarot for beginners []. To learn more about his research and new psychic training opportunities, visit his website today.

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Sunday, September 6, 2015


Dowsing rods have been used for many centuries both by psychics and by people seeking to find water sources underground,. Most people are aware of the use of a hazel rod used by water diviners but today it is more usual to use a pair of brass divining rods which have a 45 degree angled end to each rod.

The use of dowsing rods by psychics is extremely interesting as is dowsing by other means.  Rods are used as just one means of dowsing and the use of a pendulum is another means. Today people can purchase dowsing rods that have been specially made. These are usually made in brass and look like a pair of rods about 50 cm in length with the last 10 cm bent at a right angle to the main shaft. When I was about 5 years old, I used my first dowsing rod. This was made with a Y angled hazel stick. There were people dowsing on the property for water and of course as a child I was fascinated by it and had to try it out. I found it worked strongly enough to pull the stick right out of my hands. So dowsing really does work. I think the fact I was already psychic and well aware of it probably had something to do with it. Dowsing in the psychic type of arena can be used for many different useful things and is far from dowsing for water.  What you are doing by dowsing is making use of the abilities of the dowsing rods to find things, people or any kind of point on a map that will point to information. Use of rods is also a means of making you more psychic as it opens you up in more ways than you realize. Here you are making use of both arms and holding them both firmly but in a relaxed manner.  The relaxation of the arms is important as this enables you to feel the way the rods twitch when you pin point the area you are seeking. I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms but isn’t really. If I am seeking a person I make sure the map of the area is laid out on the floor so that I can stand above it to use the rods. I prefer to use a highly detailed map of the area once I have had a hit on a bigger map.  This way you can be more accurate as to the exact area to search in. One has to get ones mind into the right state, and concentrate on the exact person you are looking for, for it to work well. I usually ask for a photograph before starting. This gets the actual person in to my orbit. Each person is different and what works for me, might not work for you.

There are many things a psychic can dowse for. Missing People, missing articles, missing money and of course water or oil. While people can be done with a mapFree Web Content, things like water or oil need to be done on site in the end.