Saturday, June 27, 2015

#Divination With Sticks - The Many Uses of Sticks in Divination

By Richard Wilkins

People have performed divination with sticks for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. There are Icelandic accounts of casting costing lots with sticks during the time of Erik the Red. Likewise, the Chinese have and ancient tradition. In divination with sticks, runes may or may not be carved upon them. Some schools of thought hold that doing so, however, increases the potency of the forces at work. Another form of divination with sticks is the well known divining rod.

The divining rod, or dowsing rod, is a form of divination with sticks, usually forked, and is commonly used to find underground water sources, although it could be applied in many other ways. This forked branch is usually cut from a hazel tree, and carefully cured by the person who intends to use it. Frequent and sustained contact with the person who will use this device is absolutely required for it to work properly. There psychic energies must be aligned so that the wood is able to sense the presence of water of whatever is being sought with it.

Another way of divination with sticks, it the Chinese Chien Tung, or Chinese Oracle. This is usually a collection of bamboo twigs, or sticks, and have numbers carved into them. By shaking the container until a stick pops free, the reader acquires a single stick which can be interpreted by a reader into its relevance to the question. Some versions contain sixty bamboo sticks, while others contain seventy-eight. Most Chien Tung sets are beautifully artistic, and each set is accompanied by a chart or booklet of prophetic fortunes to match the numbered sticks. Experienced readers quickly align themselves with the powers unleashed in Chien Tung, and are thereby better able to interpret the reading.

In cases of divination with sticks where runes are carved onto the items, each rune is consulted on a chart, and the reading is provided to the querent. Great care must be taken with runes. Psychic energies have been infused into these marks, and they are sensitive to outside interference when being used. Make your casting in a quiet environment where you and the querent are able to concentrate without interruption.

Richard Wilkins, co-owner and psychic trainer at the Psychic Academy is a leading researcher in developing psychic powers [] and how to learn tarot for beginners []. To learn more about his research and new psychic training opportunities, visit his website today.

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Sunday, June 21, 2015


By Nigel Percyand Maggie Percy

There is one big problem with dowsing. Many people don't believe it works. They talk of fraud and fakery and gullible people. They say there is no science to it. Every result can be explained away logically or scientifically. There is an expectation that dowsing should be completely verifiable and repeatable, over and over again.

If you feel like this, then water dowsing is really going to irritate you. Water dowsing is probably amongst the oldest applications of dowsing known. It is also one of the most community minded applications known. Before the science of hydrology grew up, dowsers or water-witchers helped out by finding water sources for their neighbors. Everyone benefited. The better water dowsers got more business and a bigger reputation. But it's not scientific. No-one ever pretended that is was.

And it worked. And there's the problem with water dowsing; it works but no-one really knows why. In a world which demands explanations, wants answers, these water-witchers, go doddlebugging or dowsing and find water. No, they re not always 100% accurate. Sometimes they get dry holes. Sometimes you could probably dig a hole and find water pretty much anywhere. But those aren't the cases which annoy.

The ones which annoy are the ones where the good, reliable dowser finds the water where no-one else could and, before drilling, announces the depth and flow rate as well as the purity (or otherwise) of the water. I don't care who you are, if you're not a dowser you'll find such instances either irritating or intriguing. If you like intrigue, you'll want to do it yourself. Because that's the other thing about water dowsing; anyone can learn it, but not many actually want to admit that it works. But that's another story.

Nigel Percy, along with his wife, Maggie, has been a metaphysical consultant since 2000 in their business, Sixth Sense Consulting, Inc. Their consultancy is based on the view that the rational and intuitive aspects of the mind need equal consideration. Share their experiences, and benefit from their tips, tools and techniques in their free monthly newsletter; 'Your Sixth Sense: Enriching Your World', available at

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