Sunday, February 22, 2015

What Is Karma And #Dowsing

By: quotes

The answer to the question what is karma is very simple you get what you paid for. If you are doing good things, then you will have good life, and if you trying to deceive people - you will end up in bad situation that created by your own hands.

Dowsing can help you to improve your good karma. But first you might wonder what is dowsing. Simply put it is a spiritual way people are using for many years to find underground water and minerals. It is also called water witching and there are also special devices like the dowsing rods to help you with this task.

Discovering physical elements with the help of spiritual actions is exactly what good karma means. There are lots of mysteries in this world and we can not always see them nor too understand them. The universe has an amazing way to work and to fix things. This is why it is very important to be a nice person because it creates marvelous chains of energies that spread all around the globe. This will affect other people in a positive manner and they will continue to carry and spread it further and further and it might get back to you too.

We all have surprise in our life and we dont really know why this thing came to us. It can be a good thing like wining millions in the lottery and it can also be bad things like car accidents. Now the fact that something bad happened to you is not necessary mean that you have bad karma. It can actually turn to be a good thing or to developed to a better future but at the present moment you might not understand it. This is why it is so important to keep on living with positive thoughts even when times are hard.

When you are losing hope you are losing your good karma because you will find your self in a very depressive situation which will bring more accidents to your life. You have to keep on believe that in the end everything will sort on its good way. And it is really like dowsing, after a long research you will find the water which is the symbol of our life.

About the Author:
Psychic Mystery - Learn What is karma and dowsing.

Article Originally Published On:

Sunday, February 15, 2015

#Dowsing #Dowser Divining Radiesthesia - Using of Pendulum and Biotensor

By Roger Moretto

Dowsing - Divining is a word, that was coined in 1920 by the French abbot Bouly and it comes from the Latin word "Radius" (ray) and from the Greek word " Aisthesis" (sensation). The diviner is the person, who is able to sense, through a pendulum, biotensor or dowsing rod, the vibrations of impulses and the radiations emitted from things, people, animals, grounds, and so on...... In ancient times the word Dowsing was used just for the search of springs of water or metals as gold. Then the man realised that the radiations were emitted, not only by water and metals, but also by each form of life.

Then people realised that, this resonance between the inorganic material and the mind of man, could have been extensible to any field. Here the reason for choosing the word Divining as definition to indicate the study of the waves and vibrations, that are emitted from each element.


As above-said, the main divining working tools, that the diviner can use for any search, are pendulums made of crystal, wood or metal, biotensor, and dowsing rods. They are used as help to detect the vibrations and radiations emitted from each element and person.

We will see that the Divining has got a multiplicity of uses.

The divining phenomena have in fact an explanation of a physical order: each thing, from the living people to the inorganic material, emits radiations, each one on different wavelengths.

Then the diviner, through his divining faculties (They will be developed by divining graphics and also by some particular tactics as we are going to see in this distribution), is able to sense these wavelengths or natural radiations to find the presence of what he is looking for: illnesses inside a person, the medicine, therapy or the more suitable therapeutic approach for the care of an illness and for the holistic care, water, gold, disappeared things, any diagnosis on fields, cars, besides to devise active radionics forms for every vibrational use. So it is possible to do test and diagnosis on: physic problems for any subject, Any mechanical motor For any installation, To find missing things, person animals, Alimentary intolerance for people, animals, To test any therapies for any types of curative approach for person, plants, animals, Any geopatia inside an houses and ground, The search of water wells, petroleum, minerals, depth of the ground, Archaeological and Historical searches, How to arrange and to orient things and furniture inside houses, offices, for making the room healthy in a vibrational way, and so on, To test the healthy colours for whitewashing walls of houses, offices, and so on, To test which plants are more suitable for gardens, houses, offices, rooms in general, To test the better choice for any arguments, the talents and the professional address, of office, of house more suitable, the sport practice, spiritual discipline, To test and project the better geometric forms for building a healthy house... at the end everything which regards your concrete choices for the "present" in general, remembering always of the moral rules which have been expanded in this distribution without developing with the time a form of dependence, if you previously have obtained small results.

The Radiesthesia could help you for a more harmonic life.

For More Info:

Natural and Spiritual Healing Portal - Free Download basic/advanced Courses of Radionics Dowsing Divining system - Chromotherapy Crystal Healing Reiki Kinesiology Shiatsu Feng Shui Pyramid Therapy The Bach's Flowers Yoga Meditation Forum Chat Blog

Article Source:

Sunday, February 8, 2015

This Is the Best Way Ever To Get a Correct Answer - Pendulum #Dowsing

Author: Maggie

Pendulum dowsing has also been called "divining" for its ability to provide information and predict the future. Pendulum dowsing is a method of divination that is rarely requested by clients, and is highly underrated. Dowsing offers you the access to an inner wisdom; it can be a fun and simple way to begin to measure energy fields and is an excellent way of speaking directly with our intuition. It is a very ancient art and is said to date back well over 6 thousands years.

The term "pendulum dowsing" is often used to refer to the search for specific targets, while the term "pendulum divining" is most often used in reference to seeking precise information. Plus… … just to confuse you more (ha-ha) there are also those who study "Cosmopathy" which is study and experimentation using pendulum dowsing, pyramid energy, and cosmic rays. There are also some New Age believers who use pendulum dowsing as a communication tool with their Spiritual Guides.

However, today, we are concentrating on something that is so simple and accurate; once you get started you will be using it all the time – ‘Pendulum Dowsing".

So what can be used for a Pendulum?

Well anything can be used that you can hang on a string or chain or even the chain itself. I find that I don't just use one thing; I use one of my gold chain bracelets or necklaces, even my very old gold cross. You will find once you start dowsing, you will get a feel for what works for you. I have even used my bunch of keys on my key ring, when in a Supermarket to ask a question as I had forgotten to wear my gold chain.

You know when I first started dowsing, I thought I had to follow hard and fast rules, but I have since come to the conclusion that seeing Pendulum dowsing is an ancient art of accessing information not available to us through the use of our senses there are no hard and fast rules.

I use pendulum dowsing all the time for –

Answers to questions I am not sure about – (You know the ones - the biggies!)

To find something,

Compatibility with another person,

Suitability for a career,

General health-related questions,

Whether a food or food group is good for me

Where to plant various plants in the garden to achieve maximum success

And much more.

I have also asked my pendulum whether I can ask a question for another person or regarding another person, sometimes it will say ‘Yes" another time it will say "No"

So how do you do this, well I hold what-ever I am using between my thumb and forefinger and have my arm to my elbow close to my body so the pendulum is hanging, then I ask it a yes or no question.

Now I know what ways my pendulum will swing for me – meaning I know when it says ‘Yes" or "No." If you are new to this, you have to work out what ways the pendulum will swing for those 2 commands. So all you do is ask "Show me Yes" and wait for it to swing in a direction – remember which way, then ask again "Show me No" and watch as it shows you the direction of know.

I find for me the Yes command is a circle around and around, and a no command is swinging back and forth – But as I said before, each one of us is an individual, so you much work out which way the pendulum swings for you.

Pendulum dowsing is much more than asking yes and no questions, but this is the basic dowsing that you need to learn and get really good at first.

Once you get used to the basics and incorporate it into your daily life, you can start to get more in depth if you wish, such as over maps and charts, to find ley lines, or finding lost objects or persons in relation to a map or chart, finding water and minerals just to name a few. If you want to find water, I have been told a diamond pendulum is ideal.

There are a few other fantastic crystals you can use -

A rose quartz dowsing pendulum is very good for chakra healing and for dowsing on emotional matters.

Bloodstone when dowsing for answers concerning money, financial or legal outcomes.

Moonstone dowsing pendulum is very good when you want to connect with higher level beings and for issues dealing with emotions and relationships.

Smoky Quartz dowsing pendulum to find answers dealing with depression (cause or treatment) and other emotional issues.

Before I close today I want to remind you of one thing – ALWAYS say thanks for the answers you are given. Gratitude and a thankful heart is one way to make your energetic connection stronger.

That's all I have for you today. I look forward to your comments and questions.


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About the Author<br />

The author lives on 1.5 acres of beautiful untouched bushland about 120km North West of Sydney Australia. We enjoy a sub-tropical climate and receive daily visits from a myriad of native birds which lasts from first light until dark. (Then the owls and possums come out)